Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1

Shape3D drawMode property, 303–304, 306–307
Smoothing group, 58
Solid State Drive (SSD), 3
Spatial projection, 65
Spherical projection, 64
Spline, 55
Sprite animation, 76
squareCLick, 598–601
StackPane UI testing, 277–279, 281–282
Standard definition (SD), 42
Static games
board games, 83
knowledge games, 83
memory games, 83
puzzle games, 83
strategy games, 83
strategy logic–based programming, 83
Static vs. dynamic gaming
balancing static elements, 75–76
2D vs. 3D rendering, 76–77
Gameplay aspects, 75
Switch statement, 115, 116


Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), 33
TextFlow object, 216–217, 228–231
Texture mapping
coordinates, 63
JavaFX 3D, 69
mapping coordinates, 62
shader channels and language, 63
shader definition, 63
types, 64
UVW, 57
UVW coordinates, 62
volumetric textures, 62
Texture maps, 315
GIMP, 326–328
indexed color textures
8-bit images, 610
8-bit mode, 604–605
Magnify Glass tool, 607
normal Floyd-Steinberg color dithering,
quadrant texture map, 609
square and quadrant images, 611
createBoardGameNodes(), 329
loadImageAssets(), 328
self-illumination mapping, 333
setDiffuseMap(), 330

setSpecularMap(), 332
sphere primitive, 331
projection, 64
development process, 392
duration, 393
interpolate property, 393
constructor, 405–406
rotSpinner and moveSpinnerOn, 406–408
createAnimationAssets(), 394, 396–399,
object, 393–394
rotation, 393–394
TranslateTransition class
createAnimationAssets(), 404–405
property, 403
TriangleMesh object construction, 312–313

User interface screens
addNodesToSceneGraph(), 219
.createBoardGameNodes(), 218
.createTextAssets(), 223–224
3D data, 220–221
Event handling (see Event handling)
ImageView (see ImageView object)
.loadImageAssets(), 222–223
loadImageAssets() and createTextAssets(),
object creation and configuration, 236, 238
Scene Graph, 212
.setMaxWidth(), 224–226
logoLayer ImageView, 232–236
.setBackground, 226–228
TextFlow (see TextFlow object)
UV mapping, 65

Variables, 100–101
VBox class, 191–193
Versions of Java, 2–3
Video streaming, 42

„„ „„„„„„„W, X, Y, Z
while loop, 117
Wings3D, 27
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