Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
In conclusion, A3D is an extremely versatile tool which aims to
approximate protein aggregation propensities in physiological-like
environments, where proteins are folded into globular structures,
able to oligomerize and can fluctuate between several conforma-
tions, thus reshaping the protein aggregation prediction scenario.

4 Notes

  1. Naccess server, accessible at
    uk/naccess/nac_intro.html, obtains a Surface Accessible Area
    (SAA) as a spheric probe of 1.4 A ̊ radius, equivalent to a water
    molecule that rolls over the Van der Waals surface of the
    molecule. The contour traced by the probe center is the SAA
    value, which is then normalized for an amino acid X consider-
    ing the extended tripeptide Ala-X-Ala as SAAmax. A3D uses
    normalized values of Naccess for its algorithm, named RSA
    (relative surface area).

  2. In the best case, the user will use a high quality 3D structure
    obtained experimentally. Unfortunately, for some proteins or
    even domains, this crucial information is not available. In these
    situations, 3D modeling of protein structures represents a
    suitable alternative approach to estimate the final structure.
    A3D accept most of the models, if they fulfil the input

  3. The user should take note that, when running A3D upon a
    solution NMR structure, the algorithm will consider the aver-
    age structure.

  4. If the targeted protein does not have either a well-defined
    structure or a good quality 3D-model or it simply behaves as
    an unfolded protein, the user should redirect the aggregation
    propensity predictions to first generation tools, in which the
    aggregation prone region is forecasted upon the primary
    sequence. Examples of useful and powerful predictors are:
    AGGRESCAN [34], Zyggregator [48], PASTA 2.0 [49], Fol-
    dAmyloid [50], and TANGO [51].

  5. A significant number of X-ray solved structures in the PDB
    display artificial multimeric structures due to polypeptide repe-
    titions in the asymmetric unit of the protein crystal. In these
    cases, the user should select only one of them by writing the
    letter of the specific sequence after the PDB code. Example: for
    the PDB XXXX sequence A, XXXX:A.

  6. A3D will not take into account for the mathematical calcula-
    tions residues or atoms missing on the 3D structure. As a
    consequence, the exposure of certain amino acids could be
    wrongly estimated by the algorithm. In such a way: (1) apolar

Predicting the Aggregation of Protein Structures 439
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