Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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buried regions may become reexposed and overestimated;
(2) apolar stretches that were protected by nearby structural
gatekeepers could be overestimated; (3) vanishing of a key
apolar amino acid that determines an aggregation prone region
would cause underestimation. As a conclusion, the probability
to predict nondesired artifacts increases as the number of
sequence gaps increases. It is the user responsibility to evaluate
if the missing region of the protein structure is crucial for the
prediction of protein aggregation and if, accordingly, it can lead
to wrong A3D score values.

  1. If the project has no associated name, A3D will automatically
    label them using an internal standard code. When performing
    predictions with large data sets or a large number of mutations
    it is highly recommended to name the different projects

  2. When deciding between the static and dynamic modes of A3D
    the user should gather as much information as possible on the
    target protein to balance the benefits and disadvantages that
    might result from running the protein in any of the two modes.

  3. Amino acids without 3D coordinates in the PDB file are not
    taken into account in predictions and are not visible in the
    mutation tool of A3D.

  4. A3D tolerates as many mutations as the user considers appro-
    priate to scrutinize. However, it has to be taken into account
    that an excess of mutations might promote the attainment of
    nonnative conformations and this effect is not considered by
    the algorithm in its present form.

  5. It is important to save the URL or bookmark the project
    window if we have chosen the option “do not show my job on
    the results page.” Even though the introduction of a user e-mail
    address is not mandatory, it is highly recommended for those
    projects that are not visible in the queue list. When the run
    finishes, the system sends a link that redirects the user to the
    specific job page, where the results are available. Skipping this
    step might result in the user not being able to access the
    prediction results.

  6. “Total score value,” absolute value resulting of the sum of all
    A3Dscore;“Average score,” results from dividing the total score
    value for the number of total amino acids in the protein. It also
    takes into account those buried residues with A3Dscore¼0;
    “Minimal score value,” amino acid with higher predicted solu-
    bility within the structure and “Maximal score value,” amino
    acid with higher aggregation propensity within the structure.

  7. Usage of the score-table to mutate residues is recommended
    when comparing a point mutation to thewild typeversion of
    the protein, since the energetic correction performed by FoldX

440 Jordi Pujols et al.

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