Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

(Ben Green) #1

66 Invasive Stink Bugs and Related Species (Pentatomoidea)

21(20) Yellowish-green in life (Rhyncholepta may be reddish brown with yellowish-green areas), usu-
ally fading to yellow after death; dorsal surface of head relatively flat, often subtriangular in
shape (Figures 2.8G, H; 2.20K, L; 2.21A; 2.29F) .................................................Chlorocorini
21’ Color variable, but usually not yellowish-green in life fading to yellow after death; char-
acters of head variable, but usually not with the combination of flat dorsal surface and
subtriangular shape ........................................................................................................... 22
22(21) Black to grayish-black, dorsal surface coarsely punctate, roughened; juga somewhat foliaceous
or at least dentate near apex; North and Central America (Figure 2.21K) ...........Halyini (pa r t)
22’ Color variable; puncturing and dorsal surface variable, but usually with coloration not
black to grayish-black with dorsal surface roughened; juga not foliaceuos nor dentate near
apex ................................................................................................................................... 23
23(22) Dorsal surface covered with elongate hairs; veins in wing membrane marked with fuscous
or black; rostrum usually elongate, reaching onto base of abdomen or more; one intro-
duced species occurring in southern North America and the West Indies (Figures 2.19B;
2.28E) ..................................................................................................Agonoscelidini (part)
23’ Dorsal surface usually not covered with elongate hairs, if elongate hairs present, then veins in
wing membrane are not marked with color; length of rostrum variable, but usually reaching at
most onto base of abdomen (Figures 2.12A, I; 2.19J-L; 2.20A-H; 2.29A, B) .... Carpocorini (part)
24(20) Small to medium in size; scutellum enlarged, spatulate in shape; ostiolar rugae short, usu-
ally auriculate (Figures 2.8E; 2.30A) ......................................................Eysarcorini (part)
24’ Size variable, but if small then scutellum not usually enlarged; ostiolar rugae variable ..... 25
25(24) Usually medium to large in size, gray to grayish-black mottled; head often with long
preocular portion, narrowed, slender, lateral margins sometimes foliaceous or dentate
(Figures 2.21J, L; 2.22A, B; 2.30B, C) ........................................................Halyini (pa r t)
25’ Size variable but usually small to medium, color variable; head shape variable, but usually
not as above ....................................................................................................................... 26
26(25) Body shape somewhat elongate, slender, narrowing posteriorly; humeral angles usually
prominent, rounded or often spinose; female genital plates sharply produced posteriorly as
an ovipositor; Africa to India (Figure 2.30E) ................................................Lestonocorini
26’ Body shape variable, but if somewhat elongate-slender, narrowing posteriorly, then female
genital plates typically pentatomid, not produced posteriorly as an ovipositor ............... 27
27(26) Body often covered with elongate hairs; head tends to be elongate, slender; rostrum usually
elongate, usually reaching onto base of abdomen or more; Africa, India, Southeast Asia to
Australia (Figures 2.19B, 2.28E) ......................................................Agonoscelidini (part)
27’ Body usually not covered with elongate hairs, if elongate hairs present, head not particu-
larly elongate and slender; length of rostrum variable, but usually reaching at most onto
base of abdomen ................................................................................................................ 28
28(27) Ostiolar rugae short, usually auriculate (Figures 2.8E; 2.21G-I; 2.30A)....Eysarcorini (part)
28’ Ostiolar rugae longer, usually spout-like (Figures 2.9E; 2.12A; 2.19J, L; 2.29A) ..................
....................................................................................................................Carpocorini (part)
29(19) Uniformly light brown to dark brown in color; juga longer than and meeting anterior to
tylus, head distinctly triangular in shape; China, Southeast Asia, Madagascar (Figure
2.28F) ...................................................................................................................Amyntorini
29’ Coloration variable but if brown, usually with pale markings; juga and tylus usually sub-
equal in length, if juga longer than tylus, then head not distinctly triangular in shape ... 30
30(29) General coloration green to dark green, often with some pale or dark markings, sometimes
with bright orange or reddish markings; ostiolar rugae elongate, often reaching to near
lateral margin of metapleuron, apex acute, attached to metapleuron; worldwide (Figures
2.19D, E; 2.28G, H) .............................................................................................Antestiini
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