BAE Systems

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The Aircraft of British Aerospace and BAE SYSTEMS 1977 - 2017 37

which Handley Page could ill afford.
While endeavouring to sort out the
aircraft’s technical problems Handley
Page was also engaged in work for a large
USAF order and had received a contract
to produce eleven Jetstream 3Ms
powered by the American Garrett
AirResearch TPE-331. To hasten
development of the USAF version the two
Jetstreams flew with the Garrett engines.
The parallel effort poured into fulfilling
the USAF order for this substantially
modified aircraft created a further drain
on over-stretched resources.

Handley Page falls into
In February 1970 Handley Page Aircraft
went out of business. Over 50 Jetstreams
had already been delivered to North
America and several companies had
begun to market the aircraft. Some

aircraft were re-engined with Pratt &
Whitney PT6As and others with Garrett
TPE-331s. An assortment of these
continued flying with ten airlines and
helped the eventual BAe Jetstream’s sales
success in North America.

Jetstream Aircraft and
Scottish Aviation
Fortunately, the Jetstream was kept alive
by interested parties and former Handley
Page staff who formed a company called
Jetstream Aircraft. Three completed
Jetstreams, 21 engineless airframes and a
large quantity of spares and design
authority were purchased from Handley
Page’s receivers. This nascent firm used
Jetstream 200 G-AXFV to achieve

Jetstream reborn


certification for this development and
kept the project alive, based at Sywell
airport, Northamptonshire.
Jetstream Aircraft proposed a version
of the Jetstream 200 for the RAF as a
training aircraft. RAF evaluation trials
followed from 9 August – 2 September
1971 at the A&AEE Boscombe Down with
the Jetstream in competition against the
Turbo Commander. Jetstream Aircraft and
Scottish Aviation at Prestwick (to which
HP had originally sub-contracted the
building of the wings) agreed to act
together as it was clear that the former
had insufficient resources to take on a
production contract. Against stiff
American competition in February 1972
the Government awarded a contract for

‡ Jetstream
Prestwick logo

The prototype Jetstream 31 G-TALL
made its maiden flight on 18 March
1982 at Prestwick. (BAE SYSTEMS)

† Jetstream 31
G-OBEA entered
service with
Executive Airways in
May 1983 and flew
with the airline until
October 1992.
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