
(Barré) #1
50 SA Flyer

For the first time that I can
remember, the number
of TCA and NTCA added
are exactly the same – 14
each. Usually the NTCA
numbers exceed the TCA

N the TCA (Type Certified Aircraft) side
we see two new Embraer EMB135LRs
registered to Airlink. They are steadily
replacing their Jetstreams with the Embraer.
Further additions include two new
Jonker Bros. Revelations, a new Caravan
for Jemax Air Charter, two more Airvans
(which will probably go to Botswana),
three helicopters and a Bombardier CL600
Challenger. This Challenger was once
operated by the Canadian Air Force and
has been around for a while. Another Air
Tractor for FFA Assets (Working on fire) has
been added.
The most interesting addition, for me, is
the Fairchild 24R-46A Argus. This aircraft
started out as a ‘Lend Lease’ aircraft in

  1. It was shipped from the factory to the
    RAF in Egypt during World War 2 for use
    by the SAAF as a communications aircraft,
    but was put into storage in Cairo and wasn’t
    used during the war at all.
    At the end of the war all these aircraft
    were supposed to be returned to the USA,
    but the US decided they didn’t need them
    and they were put up for sale in Egypt.
    Around 70 of these aircraft were sold to
    various companies and individuals in South
    Africa. The biggest buyer was Comair,
    followed closely by African Air Charter Co.

Many of the aeroplanes were assembled in
Egypt and flown south by SAAF pilots who
were returning home after the war.
There was a slight problem with this
arrangement in that the aircraft carried
civilian registrations but the pilots did not
have civilian licences. They decided not to
tell anybody and went ahead with the ferry
flights anyway. If the pilots were questioned
along the way, they were to say that their
licences were in the post.
ZS-BAM was one of those flown to
South Africa. It was flown here for many
years and was re-registered ZS-WDD as
an LS1 aircraft in 1988. Acquired by its

present owner in 2002, it was totally rebuilt
and put back on the register as ZS-BAM
but it has taken since 2002 until now for the
paperwork to catch up. ZS-BAM is painted
in its original RAF markings with the RAF
serial of KK521.
On the NTCA (Non-Type Certified
Aircraft) side we see two more Aerospatiale
Gazelles registered. There has been a
problem registering these helicopters
as they are all ex-military aircraft and
Armscor would initially not allow them to
be registered. This obstacle has now been
overcome and I think we’ll see quite a few
more Gazelles coming onto the register in


Searay Amphibian. A similar one is now registered in South Africa.



Ray Watts

N208LM, now ZS-JUM during
import C of A inspection.

ZS-ALX Grumman Gulfstream 1 was exported to the DRC.
Ray Watts
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