The Washington Post - USA (2022-05-26)

(Antfer) #1







coverage of telehealth visits and
allow out-of-state providers to
participate, are expiring. And
some private insurance compa-
nies have begun rolling back tele-
health coverage.
But now is the time that the
teletherapy option, in particular,
is vitally needed, many experts
say. T he prevalence of anxiety a nd
depression has increased by
25 percent worldwide since the
start of the pandemic, while, at
the same time, there’s an alarm-
ing shortage of therapists taking
new clients.
The use of teletherapy by psy-
chologists increased from about
7.1 percent of their work pre-
pandemic to 85.5 percent of their
work during the pandemic, ac-
cording to a national study led by
researchers at Virginia Common-
wealth University and published
in American Psychologist. And
research indicates that it can be
as effective as in-person treat-
ment, said Ashley Batastini, a
psychologist and assistant profes-
sor in the counseling, educational
psychology and research depart-
ment at the University of
Batastini analyzed two dec-
ades’ worth of data comparing
teletherapy and traditional treat-
ment, for a range of diagnostic

criteria that included depression
and eating disorders. “We didn’t
find any evidence that there’s a
difference between videoconfer-
encing and in-person mental and
behavioral health interventions,”
Batastini said. In fact, based on
the data, some women appear to
have better outcomes using video
therapy than in-person treat-
ment, although Batastini says
that further study is needed.
The American Psychological
Association supports the contin-
ued use of telepsychology, in a
secure and private way, said Lynn
Bufka, associate chief of practice
transformation for the APA.
“We’ve had the big experiment for
two years, and we’ve seen that it
Bufka added that the organiza-
tion was “advocating that tele-
health should continue to be an
option that is paid for equivalent-
ly, since there’s no difference in
the quality of the services that are
Timothy Heckman, senior as-
sociate dean for research and
faculty affairs at the University of
Georgia, co-authored a study that
found that teletherapy produced
large improvements in patient
outcomes that persisted for sev-
eral months after treatment end-
ed and were no different than the

reported outcomes from clients
who received in-person therapy.
However, more research is need-
ed with a more diverse group of
clients, including those with post-
traumatic stress disorder, Heck-
man said.
The efficacy of teletherapy is
not the only reason it should
continue, patients and practitio-
ners say. The convenience of tele-
therapy is also a lifeline for people
who have challenges getting to
in-person appointments — such
as people who live in rural areas
where practitioners are scarce,
those who live in traffic-choked
urban areas, those who have been
exposed to or have symptoms
of covid-19, and those who are
Pedro Ventura lives in Los An-
geles and is a quadriplegic be-
cause of a spinal cord injury.
Before his 2019 injury, the result
of gun violence, he attended ther-
apy in person, both in New York
City and Los Angeles. In New
York, he often commuted an hour
and half by subway to get to his
Now, Ventura doesn’t have to
spend time getting to an in-
person appointment, and he also
doesn’t h ave to worry whether his
therapist’s office is too small to
comfortably accommodate his


As I drove my husband of
18 years to the emergency room
last November, he apologized for
the inconvenience. “I’m sorry,”
Dan said. “I just can’t believe this
is happening.”
Dan had been struggling with
sleeplessness, depression and
anxiety for months. Persistent
negative thoughts plagued him,
until they crowded out every-
thing else. He was suffering from
the second epidemic that’s raging
throughout the world right now:
the mental health crisis.
After several weeks of minimal
sleep, Dan finally got an emergen-
cy telehealth appointment with a
psychiatrist. After 10 minutes of
talking with him, she had me join
the Zoom call and told me I
needed to take Dan to the nearest
ER for a psychiatric evaluation
That v irtual intervention saved
his life, but the stress of helping
my h usband began to wear on me.
I needed a therapist for myself,
but I didn’t want to see one in
person. I have always been anx-
ious about going into doctors’
offices, a condition often referred
to colloquially as “white coat syn-
drome.” My blood pressure rises
and my h eart pounds when I need
to see any medical professional.
Besides, I have a busy schedule
with work and parenting.
After months of searching, I
found a provider who offered the
option of online therapy. I decid-
ed to give it a try, even though I
was skeptical about revealing my
feelings through a Zoom call. I
worried that virtual sessions
would ruin the intimacy of one-
on-one counseling and that a
therapist would be just another
talking head on a screen.
But right away, I began to no-
tice the benefits. For the first time
in my l ife, I felt no anxiety b efore a
therapy appointment. I found it
comforting to talk to my counsel-
or while wearing fuzzy house slip-
pers. And to my surprise, I was
able to share my emotions
through a screen much more easi-
ly than I’ve ever been able to with
an in-person psychotherapist.
I realize that my experience
pushes back against prevailing
cultural ideas about the “return
to normalcy” and the need to
reestablish analog experiences.
It’s true that many therapists and
patients have been eager to get
back to in-person sessions. Oth-
ers who would prefer to continue
telehealth appointments, howev-
er, are finding the option being
curtailed. Emergency orders es-
tablished by states as the pan-
demic took hold, which mandate

wheelchair. “You don’t think
about it when you’re not in a
chair,” Ventura said, “but accessi-
bility in an office is not always a
given.” Finding a new therapist
was also easier online, because he
didn’t have to travel to multiple
offices to interview potential
Ventura said he doesn’t miss
being in the physical room with
his therapist. “I feel like I can
open up about the same on the
screen. A good therapist is a good
Los Angeles-based therapist
Maria Evans sees all of her clients
remotely, in part because she
wants them to avoid the hassle of
traffic. At the start of the pandem-
ic, Evans helped train more than
10,000 therapists and social
workers who needed to transition
to teletherapy.
In some cases, Evans believes
that clients would be better
served going to an office to meet
— if they don’t feel safe in their
homes, for example, or don’t have
privacy. But in most cases, she
thinks teletherapy will suffice;
she has even had long-term pa-
tients she has never met in per-
son. When they parted, she said,
“there were a lot of tears. This
shows we’re still able to build as
in-depth connections as we
would in person.”
Although convenience is a
huge factor, another important
benefit of teletherapy is the in-
creased comfort patients feel,
which may allow them to open up
even more. For me, it’s my fuzzy
slippers; Santa Monica,
Calif.-based therapist Ashley Gra-
ber said she has clients whose
companion animals join them for
sessions. She also said online
therapy helps her have better
insight into a patient’s home life.
And it doesn’t h ave to be all one
way or the other. Some patients
benefit from a hybrid course of
treatment. My husband, for ex-
ample, prefers to see his therapist
in person, feeling as if he benefits
from the connection. But he still
has many behavioral health ap-
pointments online, which saves
him hours of driving each week.
I, however, will continue my
therapy online as long as my
insurance reimburses for it,
choosing healing from the com-
fort of home.

Amy Ettinger is the author of “Sweet
Spot: An Ice Cream Binge Across
America.” Find her at

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In some areas, telehealth is being curtailed. But it is still needed.


Research shows that the use of teletherapy by psychologists increased from about 7.1 percent
of their work pre-pandemic to 85.5 percent of their work during the pandemic.
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