The Economist - UK (2022-05-28)

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net zero

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Net-zero emissions are topping corporate

agendas worldwide—but making pledges

is one thing; actually meeting net-zero

goals can prove to be a complex and

Herculean task.

Ensuring that emissions-reduction plans

are achievable, credible and eff ective is

no mean feat. Despite this, the majority

of business leaders remain confi dent.

New research from Economist Impact

reveals that 69% have set defi nitive

targets and about 90% are optimistic

about the outcome.

Across the board, companies are working

to fulfi l their decarbonisation commitments

with viable, long-term solutions. But what

constitutes a solid strategy, and what pitfalls

will they need to avoid?

To fi nd out, Economist Impact conducted
a major research programme, sponsored
by HSBC. Its assessment and analysis of
companies’ progress towards net zero and
the challenges that remain is based on a
survey of 500 global business leaders from
a variety of sectors; in-depth interviews;
extensive desk research; and insights from
an advisory board of experts.

How much progress has your organisation
made and what remains to be done?
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