Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1

Chapter Fourteen

novel metaphors 37
alliteration 22
conventional metaphors 9
compounds 6
phrasal verbs 5
sayings or formulas 4
word play 4
rhetorical questions 2
intensifiers 2
imperative structures 1

Table 5. Stylistic devices used in National Geographic headlines in the
table of contents section (January 2013 – December 2014).

The analysis shows that the number of stylistic devices in these two
types of headlines is quite similar, but one can observe a tendency to use
more novel metaphors (55 to 37) in the headlines that appear in the body
of the magazine, which is connected with the fact that they are usually
longer and more expressive than the ones from the table of contents
In the Polish material in turn one can identify the following 56 novel
metaphorical expressions: Nasz Ğwiat przenawoĪony, Jad który leczy,
Nowa stara Libia, Korytarz dachu Ğwiata, Ameryka na áupkowych
szczelinach, Machoniowe ostatki, Nasz Ğwiat przenawoĪony, Kanaá wielki
jak mur, Táok na EvereĞcie, Odrodzenie Gorongosy, Wysokie morza,
Kinszasa miejskie serce Konga, Wspinaczkowa Antarktyda, Wizualna
wioska, Koty widma, Porzeracz gwiazd, Morscy záomiarze, Maskonur
terapeuta, Morza do uprawy, Czarny spichlerz, Studnie pamiĊci, Ukryty
Ğwiat Wielkiej Wojny, Ewolucja diety, Turysta atomowy, ZwierzĊce zombi,
Dylemat miĊsoĪercy, Niespokojne geny, Opowiedzieü Ğwiat obrazami,
Kariera hamburgera, Teatr boĪy, RadoĞü jest okrągáa (the article is about
a soccer ball), Witaminy tropików, Siedem wrót do chwaáy (the article is
about ancient civilizations), Obiad spod glazury (the article is about eating
fish), Stambuá uwodziciel, Powrót z niebytu, W niewoli apetytu, Biedny
kraj bogatych ludzi, Zagubione macierzyĔstwo, Jaskiniowa karta daĔ,
Liga mistrzów natury, My grzyboĪercy (this is a neologizm which means
‘the ones who eat mushrooms’), Biskupin pradziejowe blokowisko, Z
lustrem przez wieki, Uwolniü rzekĊ, DĊby portretowe, Tam gdzie rządzą
ogieĔ i lód (this article is about New Zeland), Sáodka Jawa (this article is
about the country Java), Solne Uniwersum, Tekstylni straĪnicy moralnoĞci
(this article is about nakedness), Miasto Boga (this article is about

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