May-June 2018 No56 edition of The Aviation Magazine featuring Luke Days, Red Flag 18-1, 18-2, Rainbow Canyon exercise at Spangdahlem and Iniochos 2018 in Greece.

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Concluding^ the^ air^ showStateswas^ the^ United^
AirRaptor^ Force^ F‐^22 Demonstration^ Team^ based^ out

22,AFB,^ Virginia.^ The^ F‐Langley^ piloted^ by^ Maj^ Paul^ “Loco”
Lopez,skies^ took^ to^ the^ of^ Lancaster^ for^ the^
andfirst^ time^ ever^ very^ showcased^ the^ many^ advanced
characteristicsfifth^ of^ the^ ‐generation^ fighter^ in‐
tight^ turns,^ tail^ slides,cludingand^ high^ speed^ passes.^ After
theMaj.^ solo^ demonstration,^ Lopez^ joined^ for‐
Lightningwith^ a^ P‐^38 mation^ piloted^ by^ Mr.^ Steve^ Hinton
forThis^ the^ Heritage^ Flight.^ was^ a^ rare^ opportu‐
for^ the^ public^ to^ watchnitya^ formation^ of^ U.S.^ Air^ Force

fighters^ of^ past^ and present.^ After^ the^ Heritage^
athe^ P‐^38 flew^ Flight,^ solo^ aerobatic^ routine^ to^ commemorate

75   years^ of^ Lockheed Skunk^ Works.^ On^ Sat‐
after^ the^ flying^ wasurday,over,^ Maj.^ Lopez^ walked^ over
to^ the^ center^ of^ the^ air show^ to^ swear^ in^ new^ Air^
Fire.recruits^ with^ a^ very^ special^ Wall^ of^ Force^ concluded, flying^ activities^ spectators^ were^ ableAfter
differentcontinue^ visiting^ the^ to^ static^ displays^ and^
before^ gates^ closed^ attents5:00^ pm.^ Special^ thanks^ to
thevolunteers,^ organizers,^ sponsors,^ performers,^
thespectators^ for^ making^ and^2018 Los^ Angeles^ County
Air^ Show^ a^ success!^
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