Flightpath - May 2018
FLIGHTPATH|21 Personal Efects Greeks in Foreign Cockpits–VolumeB Followingremarkablysoonafter the release of the first volume (s ...
22 |FLIGHTPATH Mailbag Hello Rob,Ihavebeentryingforquitea few years to identify the Tiger in the at- tachedphotostakenatLuskinty ...
FLIGHTPATH | 23 Mailbag Point Cook Flyer Hi Rob, this is the flyer sent out for the Fly-In at Point Cook where some of the photo ...
24 |FLIGHTPATH TheU.S.Navy in Luigino Caliarorecountsthelittleknownstoryofaremarkable Italian-American collaboration at Lake Bol ...
FLIGHTPATH|25 Italy established a Headquarters of the U.S. Navy in Italy in Rome, subordinate to Captain Cone, Commander in Chie ...
26 |FLIGHTPATH THE AMERICANS ARRIVE AT BOLSENA On 19 February an initial group of 32 pilots fromtheU.S.NavyarrivedatBolsena,asec ...
FLIGHTPATH|27 CLOCKWISE FROM FAR LEFT: Commander J.H. Callan, USN RF Commander of the U.S. Navy in Italy. AviewoftheBolsenabasei ...
28 |FLIGHTPATH heard numerous eyewitness testimonies, oneofwhichcamefromanItalianfisher- man, Guidolotti Romualdo, who stated: “ ...
FLIGHTPATH|29 ABOVE:[Lefttoright]EnsignCoatsworth,LieutenantAtwater, commander of the detachment, and Ensign Reno at Bolsena. AB ...
30 |FLIGHTPATH BartlettheadsawayfromJapaneseightersafterbeing hitintheleftengine.HisLightningcarriestheyellowtail tips and spinn ...
FLIGHTPATH | 31 Betrayed! A series of unfortunate events conspired against a Lightning pilot in late October 1943. Malfunctionin ...
32 | FLIGHTPATH This series of Fifth Air Force attacks against Rabaul make better sense against a wider perspective. Japanese ai ...
FLIGHTPATH | 33 which occasionally, but usually unsuccessfully, dropped air-to-air phosphorus bombs. When the Liberators headed ...
34 | FLIGHTPATH dows could be wound down, they were not opened in flight due to severe resultant buffeting of the tail. This mad ...
FLIGHTPATH|35 Floyd Bartlett of the U.S. 40th Infantry Division sta- tioned there, obtained details about the loss from Bar- tle ...
36 |FLIGHTPATH Saving a Harpoon ALockheedHarpoonthatwasindangerofbeingscrappedwaslownout of aremotestripinOctober2010.Sincethen, ...
FLIGHTPATH|37 the Johnson Ranch. The engines were never removed by Everts. Eventually the Johnson Ranch was put upforsaleanditlo ...
38 |FLIGHTPATH conditionduetothedryclimateintheval- ley and, considering how old it was, very few corrosionissueswerefound. Theb ...
FLIGHTPATH|39 CLOCKWISE FROM OPPOSITE PAGE MIDDLE:Photographed in 1962 at Wenatchee,Washington,‘062isTanker 37 andhasadiferentta ...
40 |FLIGHTPATH ble. As a side note, the nose had a siren in- stalledtowarngroundfirecrewswhenthe aircraft was coming in for a fi ...
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