Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Issue 155 - 15

Assembly of the main rotor head was
next. I had pre-painted each of the blades,
which are all separate to the main rotor head
assembly. Construction of the rotor head
system is straightforward if you’re constructing
them in the standard deployed position. The
fi t is great and if using cyano fast setting
glue like I used, I had one entire set of the
main rotors assembled in only minutes. If
you’re assembling the rotor head and blades
positioned in the folded confi guration, then
I recommend you take more time. Three of
the rotor blades are positioned together in a
row running parallel to the main
fuselage and sit neatly over
the tail of the fuselage.
The last two outside
blades fold inwards and
droop down each side
of the fuselage in a
hanging confi guration.
However, it’s quickly
apparent that he
instructions are very
vague about the position
of these last two outer blades
and where they should be positioned
on each side of the fuselage. The instruction
guide simply suggests where to attach the
points but shows no illustration of what they
should look like once joined together.
Using trusty Google I soon sourced
some great reference material and with my
newfound research I was confi dent where and
how these last two blades should look when
they were attached.
I put both the main and tail rotor systems
aside for later as now I would start the painting
of the fuselage.

Painting And Weathering...
For the US Navy example I decided almost
instantly to paint this as BuNo 152711, the
famous example ‘Helo 66’ or ‘Old 66’ as it
is fondly remembered. This is the helicopter
more commonly seen in photos where the
NASA Astronauts are being recovered from
the Apollo capsules. In fact, this Sea King was
purposely involved in most of those recoveries
including 8, 10, 11, 12, and unlucky 13.
Despite many museum Sea kings wearing
‘Old 66’ markings today, the original 66 was
lost in a training exercise of the coast of San
Diego in 1975 after a common but fatal pilot
error was made whilst dunking sonar. Although
the crew was recovered, pilot Leo Rolek
suffered catastophic injuries and sadly died a
week later of his injuries.
Although the livery is slightly different for
each Apollo recovery mission over the years,
the kit offers the builder the opportunity to
build ‘Helo 66’ as she is seen onboard USS
Iwo Jima (LPH-2), April 17, 1970, just as she
was preparing to recover the infamous Apollo
13 crew. The attention to detail regarding the
markings and the research that must have

Assembly of the main rotor head was
next. I had pre-painted each of the blades,
which are all separate to the main rotor head
assembly. Construction of the rotor head
system is straightforward if you’re constructing
them in the standard deployed position. The
fi t is great and if using cyano fast setting
glue like I used, I had one entire set of the
main rotors assembled in only minutes. If
you’re assembling the rotor head and blades
positioned in the folded confi guration, then
I recommend you take more time. Three of
the rotor blades are positioned together in a
row running parallel to the main
fuselage and sit neatly over

blades fold inwards and

vague about the position
of these last two outer blades
and where they should be positioned

positioned in the folded confi guration, then
I recommend you take more time. Three of

US Navy SH-3D after a coat of White Primer.

Base colours of US Navy ‘Old 66’
pre-decal application.

Port side view of the US Navy
SH-3D after it has been given a
coat of Alcad II Aqua Gloss.

Starboard side view of ‘Helo 66’ after the decals
have been applied.

newfound research I was confi dent where and

aside for later as now I would start the painting

the Apollo capsules. In fact, this Sea King was the Apollo capsules. In fact, this Sea King was
purposely involved in most of those recoveries

US Navy SH-3D after getting its fi nal
coat of Alclad II Klear Kote Semi-Matte.
Note the clear green canopy panels on
the roof of the cockpit.

Port side view of ‘Help 66’. All this needs
now is to attach the rotor blades.

ONE, FOUR, FOUR 155.indd 15 04/05/2018 14:

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