Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Although this aircraft was kept clean by
its aircrew I wanted to add some subtle
weathering effects. I used Oil Brushers Grey
oil paint to dab along the inside of the wing
and fuselage panels, which I blended using a
wide brush. This added a nice gentle fade to
the leading edge of each panel. I added some
exhaust streaks to the various vents using
Streaking grime and gently blended it. I also
added a few hydraulic leaks and dirty marks to
the ailerons and fl aps.

I worked on a few of the other areas in the
meantime. I built up the resin exhaust section
and painted the metal areas using Ammo by
Mig Metal Colours. This was a marked change
from using Alclad as I normally do but I was
sent a set by Ammo to sample. I have to admit
the paint is shiny but not as fi ne or vibrant as
the Alclads I normally use.
Once the paint was dried I added a wash
around the reliefs and drybrushed some
highlights over the raised areas using the

Although this aircraft was kept clean by
its aircrew I wanted to add some subtle
weathering effects. I used Oil Brushers Grey
oil paint to dab along the inside of the wing

I worked on a few of the other areas in the
meantime. I built up the resin exhaust section
and painted the metal areas using Ammo by
Mig Metal Colours. This was a marked change

Issue 155 - 61

and fuselage panels, which I blended using a
wide brush. This added a nice gentle fade to
the leading edge of each panel. I added some
exhaust streaks to the various vents using
Streaking grime and gently blended it. I also Streaking grime and gently blended it. I also
added a few hydraulic leaks and dirty marks to
the ailerons and fl aps.

Ready for decals

The underside

Decals added to the forward

Painting the resin engine area- I used
the Mig Ammo Engine Set for this

Adding the dirt and
a dark wash to the

Using Oil Brushers to add the grime
associated with the exhaust

Fuel tankd painted
XF-19, and a pencil
used to simulate any
chips and dirt

BIG CAT.indd 61 04/05/2018 16:34

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