Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1



Decals applied, a panel line
wash added to the airframe and
a little Oil Brushers Grey paint
used to add some depth to the
paint work. I clear coated the
airframe and removed the mask
from the windshield

UP on her wheels and the fuel
tanks glued in place

A closer look at the front wheel A look at the forward fuselage. I was pleased with the subtle
colour change achieved with the oil paint

Some exhaust staining around the vents at the tail. I tried to keep
this very subtle as this aircraft was kept mostly clean

The main undercarriage, you can also see the weathering on
the fuel tanks. I used Alclad Warpigs wash to achieve this, once I
had applied a fl at coat.

Steel paint included in the set. I weathered the
interior of the exhaust can using various Ammo
weathering products, before fi nal touches
using the excellent Ammo Oil Brushers oil
paint. When this product was launched I had
to initially question why, but having used them
fi nd them much easier to use than normal oils
and they dry within 48 hrs and are really easy

to blend.
The next stage was to work on the three
fuel tanks that I decided to add. There were
painted in basic Tamiya XF-19 Sky Grey.
Once dry, I gave them a fl at coat using Tamiya
XF-86 as I fi nd it dries not totally fl at. I used a
very simple but effective weathering process
as I didn’t want to make them appear too

The undercarriage doors
ready to install

Finished. The last step was
to glue the main canopy
in place.

BIG CAT.indd 62 04/05/2018 16:35

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