Topology in Molecular Biology

(ff) #1
11 One-Forms and Deformed de Rham Complex 195

Let us consider the corresponding quantum system defined for some crystal
latticeL=Z^3. Its eigenstates are the Bloch functionsψp. The particle quasi-
momentumpis defined up to a vector of the dual latticeL∗=Z^3. Hence
one can regard the space of quasi-momenta as a 3-dimensional torusT^3 =
R^3 /Z^3. The state energyε(p) is thus a function onT^3 , i.e. a 3-periodical func-
tion inR^3.
An external homogeneous constant magnetic field is a constant vector
H=(H 1 ,H 2 ,H 3 )orinotherwordsitisa1-formω=H 1 dp 1 +H 2 dp 2 +H 3 dp 3
with constant coefficients.
The semi-classical trajectories projected to the space of quasi-momenta
are connected components of the intersection of the planes (p, H) = const.
with constant energy surfacesε(p) = const.
The constant energy surfacesε(p)=εF that correspond to the Fermi
energiesεF are calledthe Fermi surfaces. There are non-closed trajectories
on the Fermi surfaces with asymptotic directions and this topological fact
explains an essential anisotropy of the metal conductivity at low temperatures.
One can study the intersections
(p, H)=c 0 ,ε(p)=ε 0

as the level surfaces of the 1-form

ωε 0 =(H 1 dp 1 +H 2 dp 2 +H 3 dp 3 )|Mˆε 0 ,

where 2-dimensional manifold

Mˆε 0 ={p∈R^3 |ε(p)=ε 0 }

is the universal covering of the compact Fermi surfaceε(p)=ε 0 inT^3 .The
last one is denoted also byMε 0. We can treat the 3-periodic formωε 0 as a
1-form on the compact manifoldMε 0 (we keep the same notation for it).
The information about critical points ofωε 0 is very important in the prob-
lem considered earlier. A generic 1-formωε 0 is a Morse form and has finitely
many critical points onMε 0.

11.5 Witten’s Deformation of de Rham Complex

and Morse–Novikov Theory

In 1982 Witten proposed a new beautiful proof of the Morse inequalities us-
ing some analogies with supersymmetry quantum mechanics [5]. Taking an
arbitrary smooth real-valued functionfon a Riemannian manifoldMnhe
considered a new deformed differential dtin the de Rham complexΛ∗(Mn)
(tis a real parameter):

dt(ξ)=dξ+tdf∧ξ, ξ∈Λ∗(Mn),


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