Topology in Molecular Biology

(ff) #1

196 D.V. Millionschikov

where d is the standard differential inΛ∗(Mn):


i 1 <···<ip

ξi 1 ...ipdxi^1 ∧···∧dxip ∈Λp(Mn),


i 1 <···<ip


∂ξi 1 ...ip

dxq∧dxi^1 ∧···∧dxip ∈Λp+1(Mn).


Taking arbitrary smooth vector fieldsX 1 ,...,Xp+1onMnwe have also the
following formula:

dξ(X 1 ,...,Xp+1)=

1 ≤i<j≤p+1

(−1)i+jξ([Xi,Xj],X 1 ,...,Xˆi,...,Xˆj,...,Xq+1)



(−1)i+1Xiξ(X 1 ,...,Xˆi,...,Xp+1).


We recall that a differentialp-formξis calledclosedif dξ= 0 and it is called
exactifξ=dξ′for some (p−1)-formξ′.Asd^2 = 0 the space of exact forms
is a subspace of the space of closed ones and thep-th de Rham cohomology
groupHp(Mn,R) of the manifoldMnis defined as a quotient space of closed
p-forms modulo exact ones. In the same manner the cohomologyH∗t(Mn,R)
of the de Rham complex with respect to the deformed differential dtcan be
The operators dtand d are conjugated by the invertible operator eftand
therefore the cohomology groupsH∗(Mn,R) (the standard de Rham coho-
mology) andHt∗(Mn,R) (the new ones) are isomorphic to each other. On the
level of the forms this isomorphism is given by the gauge transformation


One can define the adjoint operator d∗t=eftd∗e−ftwith respect to the
scalar product of differential forms

(α, β)=


(α, β)xdV,

where (α, β)xis a scalar product in the bundleΛ∗(Tx∗(Mn)) evaluated with
respect to the Riemannian metricgijofMnand dV is the corresponding
volume form.
One can also consider the deformed LaplacianHt=dtd∗t+d∗tdtacting on
forms. An arbitrary elementωfromHtp(Mn,R) can be uniquely represented
as an eigenvector with zero eigenvalue of the HamiltonianHt=dtd∗t+d∗tdt.
Hence one can compute the Betti numberbp(Mn) = dimHp(Mn,R)asthe
number of zero eigenvalues ofHtacting onp-forms.

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