The German Hummingbird
iniart announced their Flettner FL-
282 Kolibri (Hummingbird) in 1/32
scale at Telford in November 2017, it
was not long before the first two versions hit
the shelves. Now we have a third version which
should be available by the time you read this!
The V-23 Prototype served with the German
Airforce before being captured by the United
States and returned to America for testing. This
new version of the
FL-282 comes with
five marking options,
showing the aircraft
at various times of
its captivity from full
German markings
followed by their
gradual removal to
be replaced by a plain
white star. Its final scheme of
overall silver with post war stars
and bars is certainly striking and
may cause a little head scratching.
Kinetic Gold
t the US Nationals, Kinetic
Models revealed their
new top of the range
series aptly named Kinetic Gold.
Packaged in a distinctive gold
trim boxing the first of these new
kits will be the 1/48 scale M.346
trainer. This new trainer design
is starting to enter service with
a number of nations including
Singapore, Israel and Poland and
all of these countries markings
will feature on the decals sheet.
The main change for these new
Kinetic Gold kits will be the ease of
assembly and the almost invisible
joint lines out of the box. The Israeli
example (not production decals) on
display in Phoenix was produced
without the need for filler anywhere
and the only sanding required was
to remove two pin marks from the
inside of the air intake trunking.
At the show, they also revealed
Victor Inbound
urely one of the best box artworks
from Airfix, ever! Is the image of a
Handley Page Victor refuelling two
Buccaneers during the First Gulf War that
will grace their new 1/72 scale Victor K2
box. This aircraft in the hemp over light
grey scheme is one of the kit options as
is an example supporting the Black Buck
Missions during the Falklands war.
Phoenix Special (IPMS USA Nationals 2018)
A Polish Hurricane
he use of the Hurricane by pilots
from the Polish Airforce during
the Second World War is well
known and this is no doubt why Arma
have launched an all-new, metal winged
Battle of Britain Hurricane. Certainly,
the CADs and initial
test shots look very
promising and we will
give you a First Look on
this kit as soon as we
can obtain a sample.
035-41-News-0918.indd 36 16/08/2018 17:18