the next two boxings. The next to
become available will be an upgrade
to the existing Kinetic Hornet to
produce an ATAR reconnaissance
aircraft with all the new updated
parts being produced with the new
style tooling. While in 2019 we will
have the second totally new Kinetic
Gold kit in the shape of a Dassault
Mirage F.1, which will be available
in a number of different boxings.
And even Bigger
am not sure how many
of us have room to
house a 1/32 scale
Avro Lancaster but at
Phoenix, we were shown
the almost complete
production tooling for
the Lancaster. The
plastic shows a definite
improvement in the
moulded detail compared
to the earlier test shot
seen at Omaha last year.
And for a change, most
of the cockpit will be visible through the super clear canopy parts.
But for the most part, much of the supplied detail will be
hidden. Unless you are lucky enough to purchase a kit from
the first production run, as these will come with a clear
plastic fuselage so you can show off the interior detail.
I am sure some of these limited production clear parts will make
it onto auction sites as many, like me, will want to build the normal
grey plastic version.
This kit will be available
from HK Models stockists
worldwide in the autumn,
so you had better start
saving now as this one
is not going to be cheap,
but quality never is.
Almost Ready
oukei Mura surprised
many at the show
by announcing that
they will be issuing three
different boxings of their
new 1/32 scale Kawasaki
Ki-45 Nick (1. Short nose 2.
Long nose 3. Long nose late)
and the 1/32 scale Henschel
Hs-123 (1.B-3 Long Cannon
- B-2/RIII 3.B-2/R8).
Also, on display at the
show were the production
runners for the Ki-45, this
kit is expected to be available
for sale at Scale Modelworld
2018 at Telford in November.
The Hs-123 is a bit further
behind and will not be
available until 2019 as the
example on display at the
show was a 3D printed resin
example though this clearly
showed how detailed the final
kit will be on its release.
Also on sale at the show
was their latest boxing of
the 1/48 scale F-4 Phantom
which is a reissue of their
F-4J, but now including some
very attractive United States
Marines markings. This new
release was very popular
and Zoukei Mura sold out of
all of the stock they had on
the first day of the show.
And Finally: The winner is...
e already know that
next year’s IPMS USA
Nationals will be held
in Chattanooga Tennessee but
for 2020 there were two bids from
San Marcos, Texas and Las Vegas,
Nevada to host the convention.
The winner announced on the
last day of the 2108 US Nationals
at Phoenix will be a group effort,
with a number of chapters from
Texas joining together to host the
event in San Marcos,
Texas, between
the 29th July and
1st August 2020.
And if you do not
get the quote used in
their poster you need
to watch the film
“National Lampoons
Animal House” to
get the reference.
But first, we have
the US Nationals at
Chattanooga from the
7th to 10th August 2019
to look forward to.
That’s not big
odelcollect had the
plastic runners for
their new 1/72 scale
B-52G Stratofortress on display
in Phoenix. And this kit surprised
me by its sheer size. It is not a big
kit, it is a HUGE kit but despite
its size, the engineering looks
very good. The fuselage is
assembled from a number of
sections, making a conversion to
earlier models a simple affair.
The plastic includes a full load
of AGM-109 or AGM-86 missiles
that include the options to display
them loaded on the aircraft or
in flight. Moulded detail like
the inside of the bomb bays and
undercarriage bays is more than
adequate, though I am sure it will
not be long before Eduard will
supply all the extra detail you
will need. Complete stencil and
wing walkways are supplied on
the decal sheet though you only
have one marking option for an
aircraft in camouflage with a large
triangle enclosing a K on the tail.
This aircraft is on the boat as I
write so should be available from
Hannants and Sprue Brothers
by the time you read this.
035-41-News-0918.indd 37 16/08/2018 17:18