Scale aviation modeller international

(Tuis.) #1
I was deeply impressed by the precise fit of all sub-assemblies
into the overall main airframe, everything went together fine
without any ‘persuasion’ or filler

The commencement of the most pleasurable side of this project,
its final painting and decal application, with various sections
roughly applied before finer masking and detailed work

Suitably masked for the overall bare-metal finish, a number of
wing decals were fixed in place prior to the camouflage following
Tamiya’s instructions here

part sets for it, and every major
aftermarket concern must have
been ready to flood the market
for this new 1/72 release.
However, I was so impressed
with the high degree of superbly
crafted and integrally moulded
detail in the 1/72 version that my
example was built straight from
the box, without enhancement
(apart from an aerial wire).
However, its overall finish
was to see a very welcome
addition...and that was released
by Tamiya themselves!

The single most challenging, but
thoroughly enjoyable aspect of
my entire build was reproducing
my preferred marking option.
Tamiya’s decal sheet in this
kit comes with full artwork and
decals for three marking options,

involving machines from the
renowned 244th and 19th Sentais,
and following this path would
result in a nice display piece.
But I decided instead to use
T a m i y a’s K a w a s a k i K i-61-Id
Hien Tony Camouflage Decals
(No.12683) from their Detail-Up
Parts Series, which enables you to
faithfully reproduce the IJAAF’s
Type B3 camouflage pattern of
mottled dark green (A1) upper
surfaces over a natural metal base.
I have laboriously replicated
this mottled paint finish on a
number of IJAAF models over the
years and would have committed
myself to this again, but with
such a low asking price for the
decal set, along with the prospect
of practicing a new technique,
I couldn’t resist purchasing
this supplementary item.
This camouflage sheet is
used in conjunction with

the kit’s IJAAF national roundels
and Captain Kobayashi’s personal
markings. In May 1945 this battle-
weary Ki-61-Id No.24 was passed
on to 2nd Lieutenant (Shoi) Shunzo
Takashima, to be incorporated into
the 159th Shinbu-tai (special attack
Kamikaze unit) and expended on
its terminal mission off Okinawa

on 28 May 1945. (One does wonder
why, as this worn-out aircraft was
to be expended in a ”special attack”,
did the 244th Sentai not use it in
their dedicated aerial ramming
”Shinten seiku-tai” attack unit.)
One thing to note is that
in Shunzo Takashima’s final
flight, this fighter would have

One of the most daunting phases of this entire build was the
application of the four principal overall camouflage decals, but
I was greatly relieved to discover this process was easier and far
more successful than I originally anticipated



022-27-JapWings-Tony-0718.indd 25 11/06/2018 13:54

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