FlyPast 01.2018

(Barré) #1


* Overseas deliveries are likely to be after
this date.

In our next issue we continue our series of RAF-themed articles with a look at 185 Squadron. We also
refl ect on how the Bristol Blenheim fared in World War Two when employed as a night-fi ghter, and pay
tribute to the men of RAF Bomber Command. The February issue will be in UK shops on
January 2, or see page 60 for our latest money-saving subscription offers.


122 FLYPAST January 2018

The Planes of Fame Air
Museum’s Vought F4U-1A
Corsair NX83782 is pictured
shortly after sunrise at Apple
Valley Airport, California,
on October 14. The fi ghter
was among participants at
that weekend’s Apple Valley
Airshow. This aircraft joined US
Navy unit VF-84 in 1943 before
transferring to VBF-14, a fi ghter-
bomber unit, the following year.
It saw combat in the Pacifi c
theatre and was withdrawn
from military service on August
31, 1945. It was acquired by
Planes of Fame in 1970.
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