FlyPast 03.2018

(nextflipdebug2) #1

34 FLYPAST March 2018


heard calling out on the intercom:
“Oh shoot, I’m not playing this
game - keep on going.” He turned
on the ALQ-87 jammer and the
signal went away because the device
always blanked out the APR-36
Meanwhile, the rear scanner and
the crew up front were not calling
out any missiles in the air, so Batie
turned the jammer to standby.
The display remained blank, and
at last the crisis was averted. Filing
away the threat’s location for
future reference Batie went back to
focusing on his primary mission:
hunting North Vietnamese trucks
on the ground below.

Eleven AC-130Es were supplied
under the PAVE SPECTRE
programme as a follow-on effort to
the successful AC-130A that was
already flying in Southeast Asia.
Based on the C-130E airframe, the
variant allowed for a greater gross
weight than the earlier A-model.
Known as Gunship II, the
AC-130A followed upon the success
of the AC-47 ‘Spooky’, based on the
venerable Douglas C-47 Skytrain.
The four-turboprop C-130 could
supply greater firepower enabling
it to interdict the Viet Cong supply
To support this role, the AC-130E
carried night vision sensors along


A Spectre is silhouetted
against the moon during a
nocturnal mission. KEY


hat is that?” Sitting
up in his seat, he
took a closer look
at the APR-36 warning display.
The scope depicted a ‘Fan Song’
radar - the very kind associated
with an SA-2 surface-to air-missile
(SAM) – and it was tracking
him. He was 1st Lt Gary Batie,
positioned deep inside an AC-130E
Spectre gunship, a heavily modified
version of the ubiquitous Lockheed
Hercules transport.
Batie got on the intercom and
ordered his pilot to roll away from
the SAM battery. As the electronic
warfare officer (EWO) Batie was
there to discover threats and keep
the big aircraft safe. After banking
right, he looked again at the APR-

  1. The Fan Song was now on the
    right side. Batie thought: “Oh my
    god, I made the wrong call.”
    He then had the pilot go the
    other way – only to see the signal
    flop back to the left. Batie could be


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