Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1

From a Movement of Dissent to a Distinct Form

of Judaism: The Heavenly Tablets in Jubilees

as the Foundation of a Competing Halakah

Gabriele Boccaccini

1. Jubilees: Neither "Rewritten Torah" nor "New Torah"

In 1997 Michael Thomas Davis translated into English and made available to
the international audience a 1984 Spanish article by Florentino Garcia
Martinez, which still remains the most comprehensive study on the heavenly
tablets in Jubilees.^1 Garcia Martinez pointed out that the function of the
heavenly tablets in Jubilees could not be reduced to their being "the divine,
preexisting archetype of the [Mosaic] Torah."^2 In most cases "the instruc­
tions contained in these tablets do not coincide with the biblical text" and
introduce "new halakhot."^3 Garcia Martinez concluded his analysis by af­
firming that "in more than half of the cases in Jubilees. .. the Heavenly Tab­
lets function in the same way as the Oral Torah ... in Rabbinic Judaism. The
Heavenly Tablets constitute a hermeneutical recourse which permits the pre­
sentation of the 'correct' interpretation of the Law adapting it to the chang­
ing situations of life."^4

  1. F. Garcia Martinez, "The Heavenly Tablets in the Book of Jubilees," in Studies in the
    Book of Jubilees, ed. M. Albani et al.,TSAJ 65 (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1997), 243-59; in Span­
    ish: "Las Tablas Celestes en el Libro de los Jubileos," in Palabrasy Vida, ed. A. Vagas Machuca
    and G. Ruiz (Madrid: Universidad de Comillas, 1984), 333-49. For an earlier treatment of the
    subject, see R. Eppel, "Les tables de la Loi et les tables celestes," RHPR 17 (1937): 401-12.

  2. Garcia Martinez, "The Heavenly Tablets," 243.

  3. Garcia Martinez, "The Heavenly Tablets," 251 and 255.

  4. Garcia Martinez, "The Heavenly Tablets," 248.

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