The Book of Jubilees: A Bibliography, 1850-Present
Veronika Bachmann and Isaac W. Oliver
The present bibliography includes scholarly works on the book of Jubilees
from its first German translation in 1850 by August Dillmann up to the pres
ent (one may also consult previous bibliographies, including Delling 1975,
Charlesworth 1976 and 1981, Berger 1981, Rosso Ubigli 1990, Lehnardt 1999,
and DiTommaso 2001 — see main bibliography below). The discoveries of
the Hebrew fragments of Jubilees at Qumran represented a major step for
the understanding of the Book of Jubilees, and the following entries have
been divided accordingly into two main sections: before and after Qumran.
Each section is further divided into two parts, the first containing a list of
text editions and translations, the other scholarly articles, monographs and
books discussing various issues related to Jubilees.
A companion, annotated bibliographical essay, which summarizes the
contents of most scholarly works written on Jubilees, and highlights the dif
ferent approaches and questions raised over the last 150 years of research by
scholars, has been published in the journal Henoch (I. W. Oliver and
V. Bachmann, "The Book of Jubilees: An Annotated Bibliography from the
First German Translation of 1850 to the Enoch Seminar of 2007," Hen 31, no.
1 [2009]). Readers are also invited to consult the contributions on the history
of research of Jubilees offered by VanderKam ("The Origins and Purposes of
the Book of Jubilees," in Studies in the Book of Jubilees, ed. Matthias Albani,
Jorg Frey, and Armin Lange, Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum 65
[Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1997], 4-16; "Recent Scholarship on the Book of
Jubilees," Currents in Biblical Research 6, no. 3 [2008]: 405-31) and by Segal