
(lu) #1

122 | April• 2018


Can You Die of a Broken Heart?


rom the time she was a child,
heart and lung specialist Dr Nikki
Stamp has had a firm interest
in the workings of the heart: how this
amazing organ impacts our lives and
how it is in turn influenced by our
emotions and life experiences. The
question of whether we can die of
a broken heart
has long challenged
philosophers and
physicians. Rich
with compelling
anecdotes drawn
from Stamp’s
experiences with
patients and her
insights into
maintaining heart
health, it makes for
fascinating reading.

I Let Him Go
Denise Fergus


t’s a scenario painfully
familiar to any mother
who has gone
shopping with a young
child. You take your eyes
of them for what seems
like just a few seconds,
but they still manage to
slip out of sight. For
most, the momentary
panic is quickly replaced
with relief. Not so for
Denise Fergus. On
February 12, 1993, her
darling two-year-old son,
Jamie, was lured away
and murdered by two
young boys. The murder
of James Bulger 25 years
ago still haunts Denise.
This is her story.
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