
(lu) #1

Ideal Home(Comedy)


igh-maintenance celebrity chef
Erasmus (Steve Coogan, far left) and
his quiet, reserved partner Paul (Paul
Rudd) live a carefree and self-indulgent life.
The couple’s perfect existence is turned
upside down when Erasmus is confronted by
the ten-year-old grandson he never knew he
had. With the boy’s father in prison, the boy
has nowhere else to go, and after much
debate Erasmus and Paul decide to take him
in. What could be a disaster turns out to be
the perfect recipe for a new family.

124 | April• 2018


n this movie Ian McEwan has
adapted his novella about a
honeymoon couple and their
struggle to physically connect.
Set in 1962, a time between the
conservatism of the 1950s and the
start of the ‘new age’, Florence
(Saoirse Ronan) and Edward (Billy
Howle) arrive as virgin newlyweds
at a seaside hotel on windswept
Chesil Beach. Their awkwardness

when alone – even at dinner –
intensifies as intimacy looms.
Initially interpreted as wedding
night jitters, it is soon clear that
something else is creating the
divide that has devastating
consequences. Director Dominic
Cooke captures the disturbing
way in which, for that generation,
the wedding night was like a
sacrificial ceremony.

On Chesil Beach (Drm)


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