Australia’s Mining Monthly — December 2017

(Wang) #1

CORROSION control is a major cost factor
in mine maintenance and can be particularly
challenging because valuable equipment is
ot en subject to adverse weather conditions.
One Australian supplier reckons miners
should just keep these things under wraps.
Australian Pump is the authorised
distributor of the Envelop protective covers.
h e covers were originally developed by
Navsea for the US Navy.
h e cover provides complete cover, and
can protect key assets from moisture, dust,
UV light and heat.
“Traditional waterproof tarps and plastic
covers ot en trap moisture with devastating
results,” Australian Pump chief engineer
John Hales said.
“h e Envelop cover’s unique design
creates a micro climate that slows corrosion,
reducing maintenance and improving
equipment readiness,” he said.

he Envelop covers use a unique and
patented system that literally absorbs
moisture from under the cover, “wicking”
damp into absorbent layers that then
“sweat” the water droplets through the outer
h e outside layer is waterproof and acts as
a rain shield as well.
h e result is a controlled environment that
keeps the asset dry and corrosion free.
Australian Pump has started supply the
Envelop covers to big iron ore miners in the
Western Australian Pilbara where heavy rain
and frequent dust storms contribute to the
corrosion of key assets.
h e company also supplies Envelop covers
to the Royal Australian Navy.
h at has led to huge maintenance cost
reductions on Australian warships.
Australian Pump said there were big
savings to be made on commercial assets,

even those held in long-term storage, where
corrosion could be an issue.
h e Envelop technology has been applied
to covers for the of shore drill rigs in the Gulf
of Mexico, where substantial cost savings
have been made.
Covers have been created for electrical
control boxes, engines, hydraulic motors and
h ese high cost assets, critical for
automated control and monitoring, are
susceptible to corrosion caused by water
intrusion, either from the elements or from
periodic wash cycles required by adjacent
power equipment.
“Laboratory testing and i eld evaluations
have resulted in up to 90% reduction in
corrosion,” Hales said.
“Field tests also showed substantial gains
in protection of electrical components, optics
and delicate navigational aids.”

46 AMM December 2017



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Mines under cover

Envelop can help protect
crucial mining equipment.

Free download pdf