The Greeks An Introduction to Their Culture, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

371 Battle of Leuctra: eclipse of Spartan power; ascendancy of Thebes
359 Accession of Philip II of Macedon (b. c. 383)
357 Philip takes Amphipolis
355 Collapse of Second Athenian League
349 Philip threatens Chalcidice
348 Philip captures Olynthus
346 Peace of Callicrates
342 Philip in Thrace
338 Philip defeats Greeks at battle of Chaeronea
337 Philip calls Pan-Hellenic congress at Corinth
336 Assassination of Philip
336–323 Career of Alexander the Great (b. 356)
334 Alexander in Asia
333 Battle of Issus
331 Foundation of Alexandria
331 Battle of Gaugamela; final defeat of Persian forces
327 Alexander in India
323 Death of Alexander
322 Revolt of Greeks. Battle of Crannon. Macedonian garrison at the
Piraeus; citizenship restricted to the wealthy

Hellenistic period

322– Wars of the successors of Alexander
305 Foundation of Seleucea on Tigris
301 Battle of Ipsus; death of Antigonus
300 Foundation of Seleucea in Pieria and Antioch
279 Gauls invade northern Greece reaching Delphi
278–6 Antiochus I and Philetaerus of Pergamum defeat the Gauls in Asia
270 The Romans begin the conquest of the Greek colonies in southern
Italy at the battle of Tarentum
261 Eumenes of Pergamum defeats Antiochus I at Sardis; independence
of Pergamum
238 Attalus I of Pergamum defeats Gauls (Galatians)
174 Revolt of Maccabees against Seleucid rule
197 The Romans defeat Philip V of Macedon at Cynoscephalae
146 The Romans destroy Corinth: Greece becomes a Roman protectorate
31 Augustus defeats Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the battle of Actium:
Egypt becomes a Roman province

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