The Greeks An Introduction to Their Culture, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



Iron Age – Dark Age

875–750 Geometric pottery
750 Greek alphabet developed from Phoenician model
750 Homer
c. 720 Dipylon vase

Archaic period

725 First stone temple at Sparta
720–620 Orientalizing period in pottery
700 Hesiod
650 Archilochus fl.
630 First marble kouros
610 Sappho, Alcaeus fl. Attic black-figure pottery begins
600 Thales of Miletus (first Ionian philosopher)
535 Thespis fl.
530 Pythagoras fl. Exekias, potter and painter fl.
Development of red-figure technique
500 Heraclitus of Ephesus fl.
498 Earliest surviving poem of Pindar
490 Parmenides of Elea fl. Critian kouros
487 First comedy performed at Dionysia
484 First victory of Aeschylus (b. c. 525)

Classical period

478 Dedication of Athenian Stoa at Delphi
477/6 Replacement statues of Harmodius and Aristogeiton set up in the
agora after earlier originals had been carried off by Xerxes
475–447 Polygnotus the painter active Niobid-painter
472 Aeschylus: Persians
470s The Delphic charioteer
470–430 Career of sculptor Myron (discoboulos)
469 Socrates born
468 First victory of Sophocles (b. c. 496) over Aeschylus
460–420 Careers of sculptors Polyclitus and Pheidias


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