344 Demosthenes: Philippic II
342 Demosthenes: Philippic III, On the Chersonese
338 Death of Isocrates
335 Aristotle founds the Lyceum: Nicomachean Ethics, Poetics
330 Demosthenes: On the Crown
330 Lysippus the sculptor (c.370–c.315) fl.
322 Deaths of Aristotle and Demosthenes
Hellenistic period
322 Theophrasus succeeds Aristotle as head of the Lyceum
316 Menander (b. 342): Dyskolos
307 Epicurus founds school at Athens
300 Zeno of Citium establishes Stoic school on Stoa Poikile at Athens
Euclid (mathematician) active
270 Aratus, Callimachus and Theocritus fl.
262 Cleanthes succeeds Zeno as head of Stoics
c. 260 Apollonius of Rhodes: Argonautica
260–212 Archimedes active
260 Herophilus the physician (c.330–c.240) fl.
250 Erasistratus the physician (c.315–c.240) fl.
240 Hipparchus astronomer
197–159 The Great Altar of Pergamum completed in the reign of Eumenes II
180 Aristarchus heads Alexandrian library
159–138 Stoa of Attalus at Athens endowed by Attalus and built in his reign
150 Moschus fl.
c. 130 Polybius (c.200–c.118) Histories
c. 100 Meleager fl.
c.60–30 Diodorus Siculus: Library of World History
30 Dionysius of Halicarnassus active at Rome
Strabo, the geographer fl.
23/4–79 Pliny the Elder, Latin writer on Greek art
c. 46–120 Plutarch: Parallel Lives
On the Sublime attributed to the rhetorician Longinus
c. 160 Pausanias: Description of Greece