The Greeks An Introduction to Their Culture, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

460 Empedocles fl.
458 Aeschylus: Oresteia
456 Death of Aeschylus
Completion of the temple of Zeus at Olympia
455 First play by Euripides (b. c.485)
c. 450 Temple of Poseidon at Paestum
447 Parthenon begun
446 Pindar’s last ode
c. 441 Sophocles: Antigone
c. 435 Herodotus: Histories (b.c. 484)
432 Parthenon completed
431 Thucydides (b. c. 460) begins his history
Europides: Medea
430 Hippocrates of Cos (medicine), Protagoras of Abdera (sophist),
Zeuxis of Heraclea and Parrhasius of Ephesus (painters) fl.
c. 429 Sophocles: King Oedipus
427 Georgias of Leontini (rhetorician) at Athens
Plato born
424 Aristophanes (b. c. 445): Knights
423 Aristophanes: Clouds
411 Aristophanes: Thesmophoriazusae
406 Deaths of Sophocles and Euripides
405 Aristophanes: Frogs
Performance of Bacchaeof Euripides
c. 400 Thucydides: History of the Peloponnesian War
c. 392 Aristophanes: Assemblywomen
390–354 Xenophon active
387 Plato founds the Academy
384 Aristotle and Demosthenes born
380 Isocrates (b. 436): Panegyricus
c. 380 Plato: Republic, Symposium
370–330 Praxiteles (sculptor) active
367 Aristotle attends Plato’s Academy
360–325 Diogenes the cynic active
351 Demosthenes: Philippic I
350–320 Apelles (painter) active
349 Demosthenes: Olynthiacs
346 Isocrates: Philip
Demosthenes: On the Peace

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