Glossary of terms
acropolis literally, the top part of the city
agoge state training for young men at Sparta
agora a meeting place, the market place
aidos shame, reverence, modesty
amphora large bulbous two-handled storage jar for wine, oil, grain etc.; one with a
large neck is called neck amphora
anagnorisis recognition that results from peripeteia in drama
architrave that part of the entablature resting directly on the columns
archon the Greek word for ruler; at Athens there were ten appointed annually with
various responsibilities. The eponymous archon gave his name to the year
arête virtue, excellence
Attic of or pertaining to Attica, the countryside region around Athens
barbaros non-Greek, foreign
boule the council (of 500 at Athens)
cella the inner chamber of a Greek temple
centaur mythical beast, upper half man, lower half horse
choregos one who supplies funds for the equipping of a chorus in dramatic festivals
deme local communities (like English parishes). Athenians identified themselves by
their father’s name and deme
demokratia literally, the rule of the demosor people
dike justice
dithyramb the metrical form for songs to Dionysus
dokimasia examination of officials before taking office
ekklesia an assembly of male citizens
entablature the horizontal structure (of the architrave, frieze and cornice) supported
by the columns on a Greek temple