4WD Touring Australia – June 2018

(Ben Green) #1
4wdtouring.com.au | 093


Qualified motor mechanic Adam Adler has spent half his life under the bonnet of a 4WD and has worked for some
of the top accessory companies and workshops. He knows what it takes to get your vehicle out there and back
home in one piece. He runs the online aftermarket store http://www.nutsabout4WD.com.au.


Hey Adam,
I’ve been looking at a heap of drawer systems recently and
I’ve found systems that are pretty close to what I want, but
nothing is perfect.
Is there a place you would recommend that can build a
nice system to my specs.
Aaron, Katoomba, NSW.

Hi Aaron,
A lot of the systems out there are modular and have a number
of different congurations they can be tted up in, but you’re
right, when it comes to something a little bit left eld they
don’t always stack up.
I think as you become more of an experienced traveller
you have different ideas in your head about what kind of set
up will really work for you on a day-to-day basis.

I actually have a system in my head for my next vehicle that
will have to be custom made.
And I know who I’ll be contacting – Dion at Full Boar
Fourbie Drawers. He’s a custom builder and the quality of his
systems is second to none. He will be able to help you with
a design and will also be able to tell you what will work and
what won’t.
You can check him out online through his website or
Facebook account. He has a stack of photos of systems he
has designed in the past on there and he also ships Australia
Hope that helps.
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