4WD Touring Australia – June 2018

(Ben Green) #1

094 | 4WDTouringAustralia


A mechanical checklist for long haul missions.


It got me thinking, what are the major mechanical
checks that we should be making before hitting
the highway on a long range trip, and what can
we do mid journey to keep a lid on potential
problems before they boil over? I reached out
to 4WD Touring’s tech guru Adam Adler for
Adam’s rst point was to get on top of your
maintenance early. Don’t leave it ‘til the last
minute... Check your batteries and connections,
it’s amazing how many potential electrical issues

can be alleviated this way. Check any suspect
fuse connections. Make sure your wheel bearings
are in good condition and your tyres too.
While you’re at it, there’s no better time to go
through your spare parts and update anything
that’s gone AWOL. You’ll want a pre-prepared
nut and bolt box with tie wires, tyre valves,
maybe even a spare wheel bearing hub and
shocks on hand in case things go pear-shaped.
If you’re travelling solo, it’s not a crazy idea to
carry a spare starter motor and alternator.




There ain’t much worse than running into mechanical trouble on the open road. I should know, I just
narrowly avoided getting stranded in the middle of the NT with a clogged air lter. Managed to make
it to an autoshop on the outskirts of town in limp mode to get the part swapped out before hitting
the highway on a four-day continental crossing.
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