Landscape Architecture Australia — February 2018

(backadmin) #1
Landscape Architecture Australia — Could
you tell us about the journal you edit?

Jeoungeun Kim — Landscape Architecture
Korea (LAK) magazine was founded in 1982
and has published 354 issues (as of October
2017). LAK pursues three visions for the
advancement of Korean landscape
architecture culture: firstly, a public sphere
that could lead the development of
landscape architecture culture; secondly,
a field of social communication where
landscape discourses and critiques could
be produced and shared; and thirdly, a
vanguard base where global
contemporaneity as well as regionality
are discovered and accommodated.

LAA — Which edition has been your most

JK — A special issue titled “Bicycle City – A
cit y t hat encoura ges c ycling” (no. 32 4, Apr il
2015), which comprises various articles
about cycling, city and culture. Han Gyeol
Jo’s article “Riding to work in Seoul,” based
on real-life experience, received a very good
response from many readers.

Another special issue, titled “Growing up as
a landscape architect” (no. 315, July 2014),
also received a lot of attention from readers.
Five questions were given to thirty Korean




Published Seoul, South Korea
Founded 1982
Editor Jeoungeun Kim,
senior editor (below)

landscape architects in their thirties. By
introducing their diverse life histories and
v isions, we wa nted to show t hat non-sta r
landscape architects can also grow and
function professionally.

LAA — What are the most controversial
projects or articles you have published?

JK — We published two special issues on
the Seoullo 7017 Skygarden (Seoul Station
overpass park) designed by MVRDV. The
first issue (2015) dealt with the results of the
international competition, including
several critiques. The second issue (2017)
dealt with the final outcome of the park’s
construction, including critiques and
interviews of major players. As there was a
great deal of controversy regarding
preservation of the overpass and MVRDV’s
design scheme, it attracted a lot of attention.

The Candlelight Rally [a political protest]
held at the downtown Seoul Gwanghwamun
Plaza was attended by more than fifteen
million Koreans from the end of 2016 to
early 2017. We published a special issue on
the plaza [with a focus on its] meaning as a
space and its cultural meaning. Public
attention on the plaza was very high and the
topic was controversial.

LAA — Which Asian works or designers do

Landscape Architecture Australia speaks to the editors of
two Asian landscape architecture magazines – Landscape
Architecture Korea (South Korea) and Landscape Architecture
Frontiers (China) – to explore the trajectory of landscape
architecture in their respective countries.




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