Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

42 Sep/Oct 2017 oxygenmag.com.au

Run quickly in place, lifting your
knees to hip height with each
step and pumping your arms in
opposition. Higher knees + faster
pace = greater intensity.

Stand in an athletic-ready posi-
tion, feet together, knees slightly
bent. Leap to the right and land
on your outside foot, drawing
your left knee up as you land,
trying to touch your right elbow
to your knee. Stabilise yourself
and hold for a count, then con-
tinue, alternating sides.

Stand with your feet
together, then step back
with your right foot into a
deep lunge, reaching your
left hand to touch your left
foot (not shown). Quickly
stand upright and leap into
the air, driving off your left
foot and bringing your right
knee up in front of you to
hip height. Land softly and
repeat right away. Do all
reps on one side before

Time: 10 minutes
Equipment: Chair, table or step

Exercise Time/Reps

High knees 60 seconds

Superset 15 rounds
Push-up 1 rep

  • with –
    Mountain climber 8 reps

Circuit 1 round
Heisman run 60 seconds
Reverse lunge with skip-up 30 (15 each leg)
High knees 60 seconds
Squat with front kick 30 (15 each leg)
High knees 60 seconds
Triceps dip with knee lift 20

workout 1: knees up


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