CosmopolitanAustraliaJune2015 .

(Jeff_L) #1


h, how to define an
orgasm... is that all?
Are you sure you
don’t want to ask me
about the meaning
of life? Or why you
can’t borrow my Chanel bag? These
are intricate, multifaceted questions,
my friend. To start with, I don’t even
own a Chanel bag. I mean, who am
I, Beyoncé?! And the meaning of life

  • well, that’s for people far more
    scholarly than I. The orgasm one,
    though – while complicated – I admit
    is actually rather doable. And I also
    understand why your boyfriend is
    curious. I once had a male friend
    explain that getting an erection
    felt like being suddenly and
    awkwardly off balance – like
    a small child trying to walk
    uphill with a giant backpack.
    Female arousal is different.
    No backpack thing going on for
    starters. And most men would
    give their right arm to know how it all

to him... where

do I start?

Ah, the female orgasm. Hard to come

by and even more di icult to explain.

Never fear, Emma Markezic’s here!

works in intimate detail. Well, maybe
not their right arm – they probably use
that an awful lot. But another less useful
body part. The spleen, maybe. Anyway,
here are five ways I like to think about
the female orgasm that might help you
figure out how you feel about yours and
thus explain it to your inquisitive man-
friend accordingly.

The classic orgasm analogy! In much
the same way water comes to the boil,
an orgasm – especially the female kind

  • starts off slow. But as things heat up,
    pay attention. There’ll be bubbling and
    simmering and the occasional flare-up
    you mistake for the beginning of the end
    but is actually just the steamy middle.
    You’ll think it’s about to boil any second
    so you loiter over it, giving it your full,
    undivided attention. But you know what
    they say about a watched pot... Once you
    actually relax and take your eyes off it,
    it hits the sweet spot of its own accord,
    bubbling over onto the countertop like

My boyfriend wants

me to describe





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