
(Barré) #1
The Mini Posse
This is the friendship straight
out of any TV show that sets
the tone for female friendship
circles. The mini posse involves
pacts, shared dreams and
intentions written and then
burned under the light of the
full moon. There will be glasses
of wine clinked with toasts,
and tearful confession of fears,
dreams and desires.

This friendship will remind
you of your youthful heartfelt
passions and encourage you
to dream BIG, travel far and
open to magic and love. This
posse will last the test of
time, even as relationships,
careers and children have
corners of the globe.
As your kids grow and your
careers unfold, you’ll
commit to making the

time to chat online and meet for
reunions. There is nothing like
sinking back into the friendships
with the people who knew you
“before” to keep you real and
nourished. How amazing it is
too, to look back and see how
far you all have come, and raise
pact to meet again next year.

The glue that holds all these friendships together is each woman
valuing herself enough to prioritise her needs and self care, knowing
that by doing so she gives the women she loves permission to do the
same! This might look like having a buddy to go for a run with or simply
taking some time to make a healthy meal and get to bed early. Here’s
to sisterhood!

The Business Buddy
recently met, possibly at a
networking gig, a mentoring
session or simply in the office.
You’ve b ot h g ot s i m i l a r
dreams to go out on your
own, or launch that next
big thing. This is a really
important friend to have
around when you’re looking
to move in your career. She’s

not going to think that dream
is far-fetched and, more to
the point, she’ll know just
to connect you with to keep
your fire stoked. You will
bond in an instant and meet
accountable to implementing
those goals. You’re there for

each other with a note to
“keep going” when doubt
threatens to take over.
Ideas for that next
presentation will be hashed
grab a quick juice, and you’ll
both be delighted to refer
clients to each other as things
finally start to gain traction.

The Wild Card
This is the friend that
appears in your life quite
by surprise; a friend that
can’t imagine your life
without. She's older in
soul years and has a load
of life experience, oracle-
like wisdom and a wicked
sense of humour. Her
house is full of children
and animals and there is
a practical no nonsense
way that she juggles all
the many balls in her life.
There is always a place
for you set at her table,
her kids call you Auntie,
and when you want
someone to drink
midnight margaritas
with she’s there, blender
at the ready! (Your kids
will happily be in a pile
somewhere under a
blanket-fort with hers!)
She’s the friend that
encourages you to throw
caution to the wind. Her
life can sometimes look
a little out of control
gold and just loves the
stillness she gets to enjoy
when you pop over.
She’s the one to remind
shot at life and just give
it a go. It doesn’t matter
if you look silly or even
fall flat on your face.
She’ll proofread that
application and whoop
with joy when you book
that flight. And when
disaster strikes – as it
sometimes can – this
capable woman is
someone whose support

Keri is an acupuncturist life-coach and passionate advocate of women creating the life of
their dreams without hitting burnout! Translating the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine
into modern language, Keri coaches women through big transitions in life and mentors other
health practitioners on how to create a thriving practice.With almost 20 years in the wellness
industry, Keri can be found contributing regularly to health mags, traveling the east coast of
Australia with her Rockupuncture™ modality and treating at Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat. In
her down time she’ll be hanging at the beach with her Westie Ruben.
You can find her atwww.kerikrieger.com


72 | JULY/AUG 2015 | oxygenmag.com.au

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