
(Barré) #1
1.Mayo Clinic, 2012.‘Exercise and Stress: Get moving
to manage stress.’http://www.mayoclinic.org/
2.Pepping, G. and Timmermans, E. 2012,‘Oxytocin
Scientific World Journal. 2012; 2012: 567363. Published
online 10 Sep 2012.
3.Eime,RochelleM.EtAl.2009,‘Does Sports Club
2010 - Volume 42 - Issue 5 - pp 1022-1028.
4.Craft, L. and Perna, F. 2004,‘The Benefits of Exercise
for the Clinically Depressed.’Prim Care Companion J Clin

Grab a friend (or three) and hit your
local courts, for a great full-body
workout, that will not just leave
you panting for breath, but also
improve your communication and
teamwork skills.

Physical benefits:cardiovascular,
reduced risk of diabetes, improved
lung function.
Also try:badminton, squash

Get your feet wet! Nothing
screams togetherness like
piling into a small watercraft.
Research in the Journal of
Leisurability found that
participants in a 12-week
kayaking program reported
elevated feelings of self-worth,
confidence and adequacy. They
also reported feeling better
about their overall physical

benefits: Cardio,
weight loss, lean
muscle mass
Also try: dragon boating,
rowing or sailing.
Find a team: Visit canoe.org.
au for information on kayaking
and canoeing near you.

  1. Burlesque
    Not just for hens nights, get your groove
    on with Pole Fitness or Burlesque
    dancing. Sure, you’ll have a laugh, but
    you’ll also be working out, stretching,
    firming, and best of all, building your
    Physical benefits: According to Miss
    Willow J and Sparkarella, co-founders
    and performers at Bottoms Up!
    Burlesque & Pole School, BURLESQUE
    thighs and rear. “Dancing in all forms
    also improves your balance, your
    stability and your posture, along
    with confidence, body awareness
    and  empowerment,” she says.
    Also try: pole dancing, Zumba, ballroom
    Where to go: Visit buburlesque.com.au
    for more information.

Research by the Mayo Clinic

(^1) suggests that
participating in group activities and sweating
it up in company actually
triggers a similar
release of chemicals of feel fab endorphins

  • or ‘natural opioids’

    • in the brain to those

experienced during shared rituals such as religious
worship, dancing or even laughter!

In fact, even though exercising seems like the
last thing you’d want to do if you were feeling
down, studies have shown that exercise
compares favourably to other standard
care treatments such as psychotherapy
and medication in reducing symptoms of

The camaraderie shared between loved-up
footy players is actually applicable to both
genders^2. The love connection is sparked
by the release of oxytocin, which creates a
‘contagion of positive emotions’ that result in
behaviours such as trust, empathy, cooperation
and motivation.

In a 2009^3 Australian study conducted by the University of Ballarat,
scientists found thatparticipating in both competitive and social team
sports actually had some significant psychological benefits too;in
particular, researchers discovered greater social support, peer bonding,
increased life satisfaction and self-esteem, as well as a reduction in

PHOTO CREDIT:SHUTTERSTOCK.COMlifestyle stressors such as anxiety and depression.

oxygenmag.com.au | JULY/AUG 2015 | 89

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