
(avery) #1

  1. With succulents,
    there’s no vertical limit!
    Make sure to hang
    your living artwork in
    a protected but sunny
    spot. Water from the top,
    directing water to the
    roots, and let soil dry out
    before watering again.


Succulents are so
you can plant
them vertically.
Start by applying
an exterior stain
to a repurposed
hardwood frame.
Let dry. Lying frame
flat, stretch chicken
wire across frame
backing board and
affix with a staple
gun. Cover with a
layer of sphagnum
moss, then a layer
of potting mix and
another layer of
moss. Staple‑gun
a second sheet
of chicken wire to
sandwich. Plant
succulents through
wire into soil
and moss. Keep
frame flat for up
to 2 months until
roots have taken,
then hang.


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