
(Grace) #1
Think of kefir as a tart, bubbly yogurt. If that sounds off-
putting, taste and learn: Dump a slug into your next shake to
give your gut a batch of beneficial probiotics. (We like Life-
way Organic Kefir.) While you’re at it, add a handful of heart-
healthy almonds. Preliminary findings suggest that the fiber
in almond skins may act as a prebiotic. And prebiotics are
known to feed probiotics, found in kefir. Both can keep your
gut in balance so your body can fend off illness-causing bugs.


After years of research, new
nutritional science is seeing
the value in an old piece of advice:
Don’t mess with Mother Nature.
Take vitamin E, found in spin-
ach, almonds, and broccoli. If you
consume these and other E-rich
foods regularly, you’re likely pro-
tecting your eyes and preventing
cognitive problems.
But what if you’re not eating
enough healthy foods? Enter

the supplement companies. Pop
your vitamin E in pill form and
you’ll reap the rewards without
having to masticate spinach,
right? There’s one problem: New
research shows that vitamin E,
when isolated, may not have
the same protective power. One
recent study suggests that sup-
plementing with E long-term can
actually increase your risk of one
type of stroke. And it’s not just E.

Experts are now questioning
supplements like selenium,
green tea extract, and fish oil.
There are smarter and tastier
ways to make sure you get the
nutrition you need. Certain foods
gain superpowers when paired.
Adding olive oil to tomatoes, for
example, helps your body absorb
the tomatoes’ antioxidants.
“Our bodies are incredibly
complex engines, and at the

cellular level they require a
complex fueling strategy to run
best,” says MH nutrition advisor
Mike Roussell, Ph.D. “A variety of
whole, healthy foods seems to
provide the best benefits.”
Curious? Discover the power
of real food in the book Eat for
Extraordinary Health & Healing,
published by MH parent com-
pany Rodale Inc. And try these
six power combinations.

December 2016 | 105



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