
(Grace) #1

124 | December 2016

The Workouts


Your Fat Loss

Be the guy who finally sees his abs. Do this workout. Do it often. Thank us later.

Low Box Plank Stepper
Place your left hand and then your right hand
slightly forward on a low box. Step down with your
left and then your right hand. Repeat, this time
starting with your right hand.

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Kettlebell Shuffle Swing
Start with a kettlebell between your legs; thrust
your hips forward and swing up. As the bell rises
to chest height, step your left foot to the right
so that your feet are almost together. As the bell
sw ings b ac k d ow n , s tep lef t w i th yo ur lef t fo ot.
Repeat, this time stepping right with your right foot.

Box Thruster
Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit tall on a box or
bench. Hold the dumbbells in front of your shoul-
ders. In one movement, drive your heels into the
floor and push your body to a standing position as
you explosively press the dumbbells above your
head. Lower yourself and repeat.

Low Box Lateral Runner
Stand with your left foot on the floor and your right
foot on a low box or step. In one smooth move-
ment, hop sideways across the box so your left
foot is on the box and your right foot is on the floor.
Repeat back and forth.

Sandbag Reverse Lunge with Rotation
Grasp the handles of a sandbag with both hands and step into a reverse lunge, your left leg back and
right leg forward. Rotate the sandbag so you’re holding it at arm’s length on the right side of your body.
Now rise to a standing position as you rotate the sandbag in front of you. Switch legs, rotating the sand-
b ag to yo ur lef t as yo u s tep b ac k w i th yo ur r igh t le g.

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