iD Ideas Discoveries March 2017

(ff) #1


or the NSA analysts in
Fort Meade, Maryland,
it was quite a surprise.
In November 2015, the
Russian television channels
NTV and Channel 1 broadcast
a secret torpedo blueprint for
a few seconds during a news
broadcast. In addition, above
the blueprint the code name
CTATYC-6 (Status-6) fl ashed
on the screen—which refers
to an ultrasecret armaments
project of the Russian military.
It seemed to be a “regrettable
oversight,” as asserted by the
Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitry
Peskov—and indeed, Russia’s

intelligence agency tried to
cover up the error right away.
All posts related to the secret
torpedo code were removed
from the archives of the TV
stations, videos and pictures
were all tracked down online,
and websites got blocked—
but the Internet is too fast...
The spread of the information
could no longer be stopped.
The secret plan had revealed
a previously unknown nuclear
weapon that could alter the
nuclear power structure that
exists between the U.S. and
Russia. Reason: The torpedo
was designed in such a way

that it can’t be stopped by a
U.S. missile defense system.
Initial analyses of the secret
document revealed that the
nuclear warhead can travel at
a speed of 115 miles per hour
3,280 feet below the water’s
surface and is able to cover a
distance of up to 6,200 miles.
Is there any chance the U.S.
could defend itself? No way!
And the consequences of an
impact on a U.S. coast would
be catastrophic. The affected
zones would be “so heavily
contaminated with radiation
that they would be useless
for military, agricultural, and
economic purposes for a long
time,” according to the code
document. It would be a total
nightmare for America—but
Russian military expert Viktor
Murakhovsky admits that the
torpedo would put Russia in
a favorable strategic position.

Has Putin developed a

Russia’s nuclear
could be even
more disastrous
if it is fi red far
off from the
coast, thereby
triggering a
colossal tsunami.


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