Rotman Management — Spring 2017

(coco) #1
How Behavioural Biases
Affect Finance Professionals
by H. Kent Baker, Greg Filbeck and 
Victor Ricciardi
A better understanding of human
psychology can assist finance profes-
sionals at all levels in achieving their
clients’ long-term financial objectives.

Value Investing, Human
Behaviour and Why You
Should Ignore the Market
by Eric Kirzner, Charles Brandes and
Kim Shannon
Eric Kirzner interviews two global
investing experts about the value
investing environment, market ef-
ficiency, and how some things — like
human behaviour — never change.

Dueling with Desire: How to
Confront Want/Should Conflict
by T.B. Bitterly, R. Mislavsky,
H. Dai and K. L. Milkman
The better we understand want/should
conflict, the more successful we will be
at designing effective interventions that
shift behaviours in beneficial directions.

Consider This: Option
Awareness and the Psychology
of What We Consider
by Anuj Shah and Jens Ludwig
If we can understand what leads
people to consider a particular action,
we can design interventions that lead
them to think of different possibilities.

How to Turn Customer
Insight into Growth
by C. Barton, L. Koslow, R. Dahr, S. Chadwick,
M. Reeves and F. Lang
Most business leaders recognize
the importance of understanding
their customers. Why, then,
do so many companies focus inward
and overlook change signals?

The Persona Project and the
Future of Democratic Capitalism
by Jennifer Riel and Stefanie Schram
A deep understanding of peoples’
values, their daily ‘pain points’
and ultimately, their unmet needs,
is key to shaping the future of
Democratic Capitalism.

Changing the World,
One Nudge at a Time
by David Halpern
Want your customer to do something?
Make it easy! Governments are slowly
embracing this proven principle —
and businesses should, too.

Feedback: The Broken Loop
in Higher Education –
and How to Fix It
by Mihnea Moldoveanu and Maja Djikic
Feedback is a proven enabler of learn-
ing. Yet in higher education today, it
is spotty, ill-timed or utterly missing.
Here’s what to do about it.

How to Increase Ethical
Behaviour in Organizations
by Ting Zhang, Pinar Fletcher, Francesca
Gino and Max Bazerman
Developing a vigilant mindset and
embracing four behavioural tools
can go a long way in reducing unethical
behaviour in organizations.
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