earn how to present your
sales proposal like a pro.
Here are 9 tactics that the
best sales professionals in the
world commonly use while pre-
senting their sales proposals.
Your presentation should speak specif-
ically to the industry, company and per-
sonal needs and interests of your client.
Research your prospect before you pres-
ent. Remember what makes them unique,
learn their mission statement and values.
Learn their products and services and how
your solution helps them specifically.
Recognize your audience by their first
name. It personalises the meeting which
with all else equal, will improve your
chances of winning the business. Learn
about their positions in the company and
who you are talking to. Always make eye
contact throughout your presentation.
People have a limited attention span.
You must set the pace and keep your audi-
ence intrigued by presenting the critical
they are seek-
ing. If you
must present
other informa-
tion that is not
critical, try cre-
ating a video or
a PowerPoint
to make it more interesting. This can help
to hold your audience’s attention until you
transition to your next critical key point.
Clearly state what the objective of your
proposal is at the beginning of your presen-
tation. Review the objective in the middle of
your presentation after key points to rein-
force the purpose of your key points. Finally,
review your objective while concluding your
presentation. Tell them, tell them what you
told them and then remind them again.
It is a good idea to get people involved
when they are deciding whether or not
they are going to invest with you. This can
help them learn more about your product,
service, and company, which will build
trust and confidence behind the decision to
move forward with your proposal.
- Ask questions
- Invite them to ask their own questions
- Ask them to relate to a scenario
- Ask them to recall something
- Ask their opinion
- Ask their approval
When people see value in a product,
they are likely to purchase. Do not assume
your audience sees the value, they don’t!
Your proposal and presentation should
show the client why this is important for
them, what they will gain, what advantage
this gives them and/or how revenue will
increase or costs will decrease. A state-
ment of value should be placed carefully
throughout your presentation, at the begin-
ning, before or after every key point and at
the end.
A genuinely caring attitude is the most
important thing you can bring to a presen-
tation. You must care about and pay atten-
tion to the people you are presenting to.
Always be honest. A prospect will respect
your honesty and feel
more comfortable doing
business with you even if
a piece of information
you give them is not in
their best interest. If you
have prepared properly,
you will have plenty of
information that is in
their best interest and disclosing informa-
tion that is not will build the trust that is
key to cultivating a relationship and mak-
ing a sale.
Do not forget to thank your audience
for their time, participation and considera-
tion. You should thank them at the begin-
ning of your presentation and at the end of
your presentation.
Ask them when an appropriate time is
for you to follow up. By doing this, you
can take the guesswork out of it. When you
know they answer, you will know you are
following up at the right time. You will not
have to worry if you are following up too
soon and being seen as pushy or anxious or
too late and perhaps losing the business to
someone else.
How To Present Your
Sales Proposal Like a
by Doug Dvorak
Australian Opportunities Magazine • M/J/J 2017 • http://www.workfromhomemagazine.com.au • 39
Learn more about sales proposals at The
Sales Coaching Institute by visiting
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