Flex UK - June 2017

(lu) #1


We gym rats
tend to tend to
complicate complicate
things. Not things. Not
that we mean that we mean
to, it’s just to, it’s just
that, over the that, over the
years, we’ll years, we’ll
see all sorts of see all sorts of
exercises and exercises and
techniques techniques
that we want that we want
to try for to try for
ourselves, ourselves,
bolting the bolting the
ones we like ones we like
onto our onto our
sort of like sort of like

tons of crap tons of crap
onto your onto your
computer to computer to
the point it the point it
slows to a slows to a
painful crawl. painful crawl.
In this case, In this case,
clearing out clearing out
the workout the workout
cache may do cache may do
the trick, the trick,
cutting down cutting down
your overall your overall
number of number of
exercises and exercises and
sets while sets while

machines for machines for
the simpler the simpler
free-weight free-weight
versions versions
across the across the





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