FranchiseCanada SeptemberOctober 2017

(Tuis.) #1
FranchiseCanada September | October 2017 105

When it comes to finding a
home for your new (or even
expanding) business, there
is a great deal of truth in the
adage of “location, location, loca-
tion.” The commercial space cho-
sen by a tenant can be a deciding
factor in the success or failure of
the business.
Here are just a few of the addi-
tional factors you should evaluate
when viewing available commercial
space for lease and consider before
signing on the dotted line:

Location within the location. Where
is the commercial unit situated
within the property? Would you be
leasing inside a plaza/mall or on the
pad outside? Would you be located
at the end of an abandoned corridor
or beside the busy food court?
Accessibility. How easily can your
customers access your business?
Are there stairs leading to your
front door? If so, elderly customers
may have difficulty getting to your
door. If customers rely on an eleva-
tor within the commercial property
to reach your business, when was it
last inspected and/or serviced? Can
drivers easily turn into your busi-
ness’ parking lot, or do they have to
cross in front of oncoming traffic?
Visibility. Can your business be
seen from the street? Or, are there
trees or other buildings blocking the
view? Visibility by both drive-by and
walk-by traffic is ideal.
Parking. Parking can be a highly
contentious issue, and is one of the
hardest things to correct after the
lease has been signed. Typically,
there are only so many parking
spaces assigned and, once they are
taken, they are gone. Negotiate for
plenty of parking spots so that you,
your staff, and your customers all
have a place to leave vehicles. Con-
sider where those parking spaces

are located as well – the closer to
your business door, the better.
Signage. What signage is available
to you? What type of signage is this?
Where is it located? Can you place
signage on the side or the rear of the
building? Where would your busi-
ness name be placed on a common
pylon sign shared by other tenants?
Would you be charged for any addi-
tional signage requested? Negotiate
now for “grand opening” or “promo-
tional” signage (e.g. banners and/or
pull-away signs).
Neighbouring tenants. Ascertain
who is doing business directly next
door to you. Will this tenant be con-
ducive or detrimental to your busi-
ness? While asking the landlord/
landlord’s agent about these neigh-
bouring tenants, it can be a good
idea to meet and quiz these tenants
for yourself. Be friendly and polite
and introduce yourself as a prospec-
tive new tenant.
Anchor tenants. These are the
major businesses/retailers which
pull customer traffic to a property.
Typically, they are major grocery or
department stores; however, this is
not always the case. Consider the
stability of those anchors. How long
have they remained in the property?
Are they planning to remain or to
move? We remember how many
tenants leasing in a small shopping
plaza were caught off-guard when
the major grocery store anchor
moved out. Major grocery chains
frequently continue to pay rent on
a vacant commercial space to avoid
having a competitor move in.
Competition. Before you commit to
leasing a location, scout the neigh-
bourhood to see if you have any
nearby competitors. Become acutely
aware of your competitor’s services,
products, and pricing. One easy and
effective way to do this is by means
of a secret shopper. Ask your secret

shopper to visit your competitor(s),
report back on their experience, and
quiz them about your business (if
you are already open) and whether
they are badmouthing you to their
customers. Do not just evaluate your
current competition, but also con-
sider future competitors who may
move in to the area. Franchisors, for
example, may be exploring oppor-
tunities, and may have a competing
franchisee move in just down the
street from you. You can contact
franchisors to see if they are plan-
ning to come to your city or town.

As The Lease Coach since 1993,
we have helped many new and exist-
ing franchise tenants negotiate first-
time leases and lease renewals, as
well as choose the most appropri-
ate business location. A good busi-
ness in a poor location ultimately
becomes a poor business.

What are some of the most important factors to consider as I look to select
my franchise location?



Dale Willerton and Jeff Grandfield
Commercial Lease Consultants
The Lease Coach
[email protected]
[email protected]
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