Chat It’s Fate — August 2017

(Brent) #1

he angels

it’s fateit’s fate



Be patient

by Swarovski
(£75, free P&P,
Life’s too short not to
be sparkly! I love this
glittering piece.
It’s on trend
as well as being
a reminder
that the
angels are
over me.

Get in touch

● Do you have a question you would like answered with an angel card or angel crystal reading? Write to Michelle at Chat it’s fate, 161 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9AP
SE1 0SU or e-mail [email protected] or see – each month one lucky Chat it’s fate reader will get a reading and receive an angel card deck.

Mary is not her real naMe. photos (posed by Models) getty iMages/alaMy

Michelle Jones is an author, psychic

medium and broadcaster. Twenty

years of helping people to talk to their

angels inspired her first book, Throw

Away Your Loincloth, to encourage

everyone to stay connected.

Chat it’s fate 25

Dear Michelle


ince my mum died, I found out I have
a sister. Mum’s will revealed that she’d
been forced to give her up, as she was
14 when she gave birth. Mum was never able
to tell anyone as it’d been beaten into her
that it was shameful. Should I try to find her?
Nicola, 65, Basildon

Dear Nicola
I am using the The Angel Game
Oracle for intuition. The
cards turned up were:


here are a few angels
of the Sun, and
Smeliel is one. I see him
as a surfer dude, as
he’s also an angel
of the sea. If we’re
headed down to
the beach, I always
whisper a request
to Smeliel for a
sunny day – and
add in Archangel
Raphael for a gentle cool breeze.


t the end of each day, take
ten minutes to reflect on the
positive stuff that’s happened.
Archangel Gabriel encourages us
to recognise what’s good, and by
building up those images, we can
feel more content and satisfied. You
could write those happy thoughts
in a journal. Then read it to
remind yourself of how good life
is for those times when things don’t
go quite how
you plan

Who on Earth is...


The angel reading

Psychic advice

How divine!

Happy by Fearne
Cotton (£16.99,
Orion Spring).
illustrated by
Fearne herself,
this is a book
guaranteed to lift
your spirits. I love
the tips and ideas
to help take the
pressure off and
accept that life isn’t
perfect. It’s fun and friendly and certainly made me happy.

Your mum’s watching over you as you deal with this news.
She knows you may feel shocked, and perhaps a little
sad that in life she didn’t feel able to tell you herself.
Feel compassion for your mum, not pity. Put yourself
in her shoes, at such a young age and when attitudes
were so different. Understanding her situation back
then will uplift you and enable you to heal. The angels
are surrounding you and filling you with healing
energy. Wear or carry something pink to channel this
power into positive action. Only when you feel calm,
should you decide whether to seek out your sister.
You have the tools of determination and persistence,
so temper them with patience and accept that it will
take time to find her – if that is what you decide to do.
Trust in the angels, and in the truth in your heart.

● Compassion: the energy of compassion is uplifting
● Healing: Look inside and bless yourself with this love
● patience: You always have the exact tools you need
Free download pdf