- Ability to identify relationships among details within discourse with the
help of micro discourse markers (e.g., well, yes, en, ah, uh, etc)
- Ability to identify markers of cohesion (e.g., grammatical cohesion
devices of reference, comparison, ellipsis, substitution; conjunctions of and,
because, but, etc.; lexical cohesion devices of repetition, hyponymy,
synonymy, antithesis, collocation, etc)
- Ability to identify relationships among details within discourse with the
help of grammatical cohesion devices of reference, comparison, ellipsis,
substitution; conjunctions or lexical cohesion devices of repetition,
hyponymy, synonymy, antithesis, collocation, etc. provided by the
mini-lecture task
- Ability to understand the communicative functions (e.g., politeness,
suggestion, warning or instruction, etc.) through indicators of the lecture
- Ability to understand the communicative functions through implicit
indicators, e.g. an interrogative as a polite command, a statement as a
suggestion or warning, cause and effect relationships without explicit
indicators, etc
- Ability to summarize the relevant content of the lecture to tackle the
summary gaps by using one’s own language
- Ability to summarize the lecture with the help of one’s own background
- Ability to predict the lecture content with the help of one’s own
background knowledge
- Ability to take notes while listening to the lecture, e.g. using acronyms,
signs, symbols, etc
- Ability to write down notes in an outline form 12345
- Ability to select information to write down as notes and sequence them
in a logical manner
- Ability to retrieve relevant information from notes 12345
- Ability to transfer relevant information from notes to the gap-filling task 12345
Any other abilities: __
Appendix 1: Questionnaire on Teachers’Perceptions... 171