New Idea — 14 August 2017

(vip2019) #1


t was meant to be Prince
William and Princess
Kate’s triumphant return
to Kensington Palace, to
establish their place as the
future of the monarchy.
But now the upcoming move
has turned to mud, thanks to an
evil plot from Camilla, Duchess
of Cornwall, which has seen her
involved in the departure of
several key royal staff members
and join forces with another
thorn in the Queen’s side –
Sarah ‘Fergie’ Ferguson.
Last week, Queen Elizabeth’s
most trusted senior advisor and
right-hand man Sir Christopher
Geidt resigned, while Wills’
private secretary Miguel Head
and Harry’s private secretary
Edward Fox are also said to have
handed in their notice.
This follows the shock
resignation of Princess Kate’s
private secretary, Rebecca Deacon

  • and it seems Camilla is the one
    behind all the staff turmoil and
    in-fighting behind palace walls.
    ‘Wills and Kate are moving

Insiders say
Camilla and
Fergie are
gearing up to
take on The Firm.

back to London because Prince
George is starting school soon

  • but also because the Queen
    is intent on moving them to
    Kensington Palace and
    establishing them as the future
    of the monarchy,’ says a well-
    placed source.
    ‘While Prince Charles is next
    in line to the throne, the Queen
    has made it clear that she wants
    Wills and Kate, and also Harry, to
    be the face of the monarchy – and
    Camilla doesn’t like this one bit.
    ‘She’s been manipulating the
    staff and moaning to senior aides
    for years, hatching plots and
    spreading evil rumours.
    ‘The staff just got sick of it
    and couldn’t see things getting
    better with Kate and Wills
    moving to Kensington Palace
    and closer to Camilla. They
    knew the scheming would get
    worse with Camilla feeling more
    threatened – they just couldn’t
    bear it any more.’
    Camilla’s plotting has become
    so bad that it even led Prince
    Charles to ban her from their




CAMILLA Photo of Catherine Quinn: Oxford University.

recent tour of Belgium. Last
week, the 69-year-old attended
to official duty in Belgium with
Wills and Kate – while Camilla
was a notable no-show.
‘With all the resignations and
the turmoil in the palace thanks
to Camilla, Charles thought it
best to leave her back in
London,’ a source explains.
‘Wills and Kate can barely
stand the sight of her at the
moment, they’re so sick of her
interfering – so it’s for the best.
‘Needless to say, it’s putting
a lot of strain on Charles and
Camilla’s marriage.’
Kate, meanwhile, has already
hired a new private secretary

  • an older and experienced
    candidate who sources say is
    ‘a lot tougher’ than Camilla.

‘Kate wanted someone
who could take on Camilla and
fight fire with fire,’ the source
says. ‘Camilla’s met her match
with Kate’s new secretary,
100 per cent.’
But while Charles, Wills
and Kate are busy abroad,
Camilla has found someone to
keep her occupied – Fergie.
Last year, Camilla arranged
for Fergie to be featured on the
Court Circular (a daily report
of royal engagements and
activities) for the first time in
10 years – but it was with an
ulterior motive.
‘Fergie had been dismissed
from the royal fold after the
toe-sucking scandal and her
divorce from Andrew, but
Camilla organised her return,’







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