Australian Healthy Food Guide - November 2017

(Wang) #1


How much do I need to eat?

Every recipe in HFG has a complete nutrition analysis, so you can match your eating
plan to your body’s needs. Here’s how to estimate your daily dietary requirements.

Your individual intake will
vary depending on your age,
gender, height, weight and
physical activity level.
We use 8700kJ (2100cal)
as an average daily intake, as
this is the value prescribed
by the Australia New Zealand
Food Standards Code. You’ll
find this on food labelling.
While these numbers are
one way of tracking healthy

eating, it’s important to focus
on the quality of the foods
we eat. Eating a wide variety
of healthy, real foods makes
it easy to meet all our daily
nutrition needs, as well as
balancing energy intake.
Use these recommended
daily intakes as a general guide
only. For personalised advice,
visit to find an
Accredited Practising Dietitian.

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Accredited Practising Dietitian or Accredited Nutritionist.

Healthy Food Guide is printed by Bluestar WEB Sydney and distributed in Australia and NZ by Gordon & Gotch.

SODIUM If you have heart disease or are at
high risk of this condition, aim to consume
no more than 1600mg of sodium per day.
CALCIUM Women over 50 years, and men
over 70 years, should increase their intake
to 1300mg of calcium per day.
IRON Women under 50 years should aim for
18mg of iron each day. If pregnant, your iron
intake should increase to 27mg each day.

Kilojoules (kJ) 8700kJ
Calories (cal) 2100cal
Protein (g)
15–25% of energy
78 – 130g

Total Fat (g)
20–35% of energy
47 – 82g

Saturated Fat (g)
Less than 10% of energy

Carbohydrate (g)
45–65% of energy
230 – 310g

Free sugar (g)
Less than 10%
of energy


Fibre (g) 25 – 30g
Sodium (mg) 2300mg
Calcium (mg) 1000mg

Iron (mg) 8mg

Average daily intake

Protein 38.1g
Total Fat 7.5g
Sat Fat 1.3g
Carbs 44.2g

Sugars 10.6g
Fibre 7.4g
Sodium 443mg
Calcium 185mg
Iron 3.1mg

PER SERVE Look for these
nutrition panels (left)
which appear on all
our recipes!


rainbowLight upyourtable and make yourskin glowwithgoodhealthwith
thesecolourful, antioxidant-rich mealsthewhole family willlove.
Barbecued turmericfish&chillitacossaladwithcorn

ServesTimeto (^4) makeCost per 25 minserve$5.80
(^9) 150g peeledglutenfree^9 pineapplediabetesfriendly,diced
1 small100gdeseeded,yellow grapeyellow capsicumdicedtomatoes,,
1 long redquarteredfinelychoppedchilli,deseeded,
¼1 tablespoonplus extra, tocupchoppedlimecoriandergarnishjuice,,
pluslimewedges, toserve
4 x 150g fi1 teaspoon rm turmericwhite fi sh fi llets
1 large 8 gluten-free and silks removedcorn cobcorn tortillas, husk
60g ½ cup reduced-fat yoghurtbaby rocketplain
(^1) capsicum, tomatoes, chilli, coriander and lime juice in Combine the pineapple,
a medium bowl. Set aside. (^2) a barbecue hotplate over Preheat a chargrill pan or
medium-high heat. Dust fifi llets with turmeric. Spray fiand corn with olive oil. Grill corn, sh sh
44 healthyfoodgu decom au
turning, for 8 minutes,or until tender. Cook fi sh
for 2 minutes each side,or until cooked through. Gently warm the tortillas
until lightly charred. (^3) from corn cob and addCarefully cut kernels
to pineapple salad. Season with cracked black pepper. 4 Break fi sh into chunks.
Place 2 tortillas on each serving plate. Top with a little
rocket, turmeric ficorn salad and a dollop of yoghurt. Garnish with extra sh, roasted
coriander andwedge of limeserveon each platewitha
Eat the
Barbecued turmeric fish tacos with corn & chilli salad
1750kJ/419calProtein 38 1gTotalSatFatFat1 3g7 5g
Carbs44 2g
SugarsFibre 7SodCalcium 185mgum10 6g4g443mg
Iron 31mg
27/09/2017 2:33:26 PM

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